Sources Used for New Vitamin Reality

- Past nutritional and vitamin scientific research (serves as a basic starting point for the current standard nutritional program)
- Health statistics (reveals areas of concern and how diet is impacting health)
- Over 50 years of researching and analyzing Professional Medical Journal scientific studies (10,000+ found in PubMed)
- Increasing knowledge in human physiology updates lingering vitamin questions (adds links between health, vitamin, and disease, plus adds direction for future research)
- New scientific vitamin research study results (explains why and how past studies developed flawed premises from faulty theories, and challenges past study results, both positive and negative) article
- An evaluation of current vitamin products and their ability to harmonize with this new vitamin health reality (corrects vitamin dosages, forms, and influence of synergistic companion or related nutrients)
- An exceptional basic vitamin and mineral guide (based on a Harvard Health report) that adds perspective to supplement usage even mentioning a few precautions.Yes, it contains some faulty information that this website will examine and explain.
A number of other articles on this website contain some of this information:
- Body Dynamics in Health -
- Vitamin Health Connection -
- Health Theory Development -
- Why a Vitamin Reality Check? - Vitamin Reality Check -
- Vitamin Article Analysis -
- Charts on Mineral ratios - Nutrient Vitals -
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