FYI February 2024: Many of the articles on this website are now over 15 years old. In many cases, new research has changed some of the data points and the articles need to be updated. As articles are reworked, they will go offline for a period of time, making some links fail to show up. Return later for updated material.
Below is a list of the information sources and details that formed the amalgamation for this new vitamin reality.
- Past nutritional and vitamin scientific research (serves as a basic starting point for the current standard nutritional program)
- Health statistics (reveals areas of concern and how diet is impacting health)
- Over 50 years of researching and analyzing Professional Medical Journal scientific studies (10,000+ found in PubMed)
- Increasing knowledge in human physiology updates lingering vitamin questions (adds links between health, vitamin, and disease, plus adds direction for future research)
- New scientific vitamin research study results (explains why and how past studies developed flawed premises from faulty theories, and challenges past study results, both positive and negative) article
- An evaluation of current vitamin products and their ability to harmonize with this new vitamin health reality (corrects vitamin dosages, forms, and influence of synergistic companion or related nutrients)
- An exceptional basic vitamin and mineral guide (based on a Harvard Health report) that adds perspective to supplement usage even mentioning a few precautions.Yes, it contains some faulty information that this website will examine and explain.
A number of other articles on this website contain some of this information:
- Body Dynamics in Health -
- Vitamin Health Connection -
- Health Theory Development -
- Why a Vitamin Reality Check? - Vitamin Reality Check -
- Vitamin Article Analysis -
- Charts on Mineral ratios - Nutrient Vitals -
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