Why Vitamin Workshop

There are two articles with same name. Go here Why Vitamin Workshop - Why Vitamin Workshop - Vitaminworkshop.com for the other original article.
GUIDE to Optimize Vitamin Choices for Maximum Health Benefits
There are many brands of multiple vitamins in the marketplace today. The majority of them offer basically the sane vitamin formulas just with different vitamin forms and dosages. These factors often make have a significant impact on health over timer.
Only a small handful of vitamin companies have ventured out of the traditional multiple vitamin box and worked to match human phisiology and vitamin science with realitites of health and disease conditions. Finding those vitamin brands is not the simple task it should be. Roadblocks abound from vitamin marketing stories, flaws in scientific theories and research, plus due to Government regulations that create greater confusion with label requirements and limiting facts about format differences. Unless one knows some new scientific vitamin facts that have challenged a few old faulty ones, there is less than a 5% chance of making healthy multiple vitamin choices.
...95% of Multiple Vitamins achieve Junk food Status...
Plus, as internet vitamin offerings have expanded, picking safe and effective vitamins has become even more of a challenge. Also complicating this issue, vitamin companies have been racing to increase vitamin dosages to further confuse and bewilder customer choices. While many people believe more is better, seldom is this true for vitamins once adequate amounts are reached. Thus today, over 95% of available Multiple Vitamin products earn a rating just above "junk food" vitamin status.
- There are studies that reveal properly used vitamin supplements exhibit profound health building attributes. VITAMINS WORK! But, another side of the coin is also a potential.
- Supplements, simply due to their nature, may generate adverse effects if not consumed wisely and manufactured correctly. This is sometimes a direct result of how body processes work and also about how vitamins can be hijacked to help diseased cells grow faster.
- Today over 95% of current multiple vitamin supplements exhibit one or more vitamin flaws in form or dosage, or from a lack of harmony with other nutrients, or under certain body conditions.
- Sometimes these are just due to normal vitamin functions, such as how antioxidant vitamins might interfere with radicals generated by the immune system to destroy cold viruses. This allows colds to last longer.
- Or how vitamins that help cells divide and grow faster would be counterproductive for cancer control. SOME of THESE ISSUES HAVE NOW REACHED CRITICAL MASS.
Check your awareness of new research findings with this fun and enlightening VITAMIN QUIZ
1ST MAJOR VITAMIN FLAW >go here and then here
EXAMPLES where supplemented VITAMINS and MINERALS have exhibited health influence.
- Vitamins that protect cholesterol from oxidation (vitamins C&E, beta carotene, CoQ10) or lower cholesterol if it is high (tocotrienols, Omega 3 (plus lowers triglycerides)
- The vitamins that prevent and repair DNA damage (Vitamins B6, B12, Folate, C & E, SGS from broccoli, plus the minerals zinc & phosphorus)?
- Vitamins and phytonutrients that prime the immune system or neutralize toxic chemicals (NAC, vitamins A, D, B6, C, plus beta glucans and also the mineral zinc),
- Vitamins that prevent and kill potential cancerous cells (IP6 and inositol), and zinc given out to children in clinics once a month in developing Countries to prevent bacterial infections and life threatening diarrhea, and zinc prevents some cancers
- The minerals that prime the alkaline system to safeguard pH control, preventing pathogenic bacterial growth and related numerous conditions?
Concepts to help enhance meanings and recommendations on this website can be found in these articles: The Big Picture of health and Profound Health. This website operates on the Precautionary Principle if there is even a hint of potential adverse effects.
NOTICE: Some pages on this website go offline for periods of time to be re-worked. Return to check if back. Right now, the Vitamin Criteria section is (NOT) down. This one is the heart and soul of this website. Plus Brand Evaluations is on holiday too.
See Scientific Status of Vitamins to find out why over 90% of multiple vitamins are now obsolete, or should be.
CAUTION: Nutritional concepts and the use of vitamins remains to this day a somewhat controversial topic. This website attempts to use physiology, scientific vitamin research, and a touch of common sense to make some reasonable deductions. Do not assume what is presented here is an absolute truth, rather just stepping stones...
A Look at some other topics covered on this Website:
Here is another concept for supplements that is often overlooked. Vitamin supplements should not disrupt normal body metabolism and nutrient pathways in any adverse way. Plus, they should not overtax body elimination channels, especially liver, kidneys, and bladder. This appears to defeat the benefits of the nutrients in the first place. ref OK, yes there are a few benefits from certain antioxidant nutrients with excess dosages. While the body ramps up their elimination, they would provide protection for the cells of the elimination organs. But, this might be after they have disrupted digestion, absorption, and assimilation channels.
INSIGHT: Most vitamins and minerals exhibit an optimal range of amounts for benefits with both too low or too high presenting problems for maintaining body health.
Unfortunately, due to just how vitamins and minerals function and are processed by the body, the current usage forms and dosages of many vitamin supplements fail in one or more of these areas. The Public should know which vitamin and mineral forms and dosages potentially may have short-comings for certain subsets of the population plus which body parts and for what conditions.
...96% of Multi-Vitamin Supplements contain errors...
As unbelievable as this sounds, this website will reveal why over 95% of Vitamin Supplements in the marketplace today contain nutrient forms and or dosages that new Scientific research has discovered should be changed. Only a few vitamin Companies are even aware of this new information and have changed nutrient forms and dosages. A few needed changes are actually not new and have existed in flawed forms for over 75 years. This website links to these study results so the vitamin consuming Public can learn how to optimize choices to maximize health benefits.
- Most public information about vitamins and health comes from marketing spin designed to sell vitamins.
- This website begins a process to separate scientific vitamin facts and realities from advertisements that stretch vitamin truths and twist reality.
- Even Science needs to update concepts and theories since some were faulty due to limited technology available at the initial development time which newer research has discovered. article
- What makes this endeavor such a challenge is that since people exhibit many genetic differences, absolute vitamin facts are rare exceptions and numerous generalities mainly serve as guidelines.
- Over 1000 linked Scientific Studies support the over 230 vitamin workshop website articles.
- Gathered over 40 years from 20,000 hours of Pubmed research. (Pubmed is where Science talks)
- Reporting on novel & unique vitamin truths that safeguard health.
- Some are so new that most people and far too many professionals have not yet learned about them.
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