What If...

...some established health and nutritional facts you believe as truths were really not?
...you learned the germ theory is only half the story? The other half being immune conditions inside the body that either destroy the germs or allow them to multiply into large enough numbers to create disease.
...many degenerative diseases are related to chronic inflammation and reduced cellular energy production, areas of great influence by lifestyle and diet.
...the American dietary pattern and lifestyle fostered disease at rates greater than those in most other Countries?
...the intelligent use of proper dietary supplements did have the ability to positively impact certain disease states?
...there was proof that multiple vitamin supplements increased longevity (telomeres)?
...you found out that Government health officials and scientists knew all these but remained silent?
What if... you learned these too late?
It is the conjecture of the Vitamin Workshop 101 website, supported by new science, that...
...vitamin supplements could had positive results in some cases, neutral in others, and a few negative results, all depending upon different circumstances at the time and the form and dosage of vitamins coupled with the presence or absence of necessary synergistic elements.
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