Light Bulbs of the Dark Side

Like batteries that have both a positive and a negative side, the new LED light bulbs, designed to save energy and last a long time, have now revealed a sinister dark side for the health of the body in at least 3 ways. It appears LEDs with a greater amount of the blue light spectrum have benefits during the day (ref) but are disruptive to biological cycles at night. ref Cellphones, computers, tablets, and now most electronic screens also emit more blue light. Children under 14 are especially susceptible to the damaging effects of blue light waves since corneas are still developing while the other parts of the eyes are developed by age 7. ref
Incandescent light bulbs of the past are not very efficient at converting energy into light. But, they produced a relatively healthier light. Next came florescent light bulb tubes that started a trend away from the yellow white light of incandescent into lights with a greater spectrum of blue light. Another problem with florescent lights is that they rapidly flicker, especially as they age, an action the subconscious mind can see better and react with more than regular mental vision.
Now, low energy light bulbs like LEDs have been mandated by Government officials to be the primary light bulbs sold. Incandescent light bulbs have been banned, but may be available for certain specific applications, like grow lights. (In 2007 Congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act requiring new energy-efficient standards for basic light bulbs. From 2012 to 2014, all standard 100-, 75-, 60- and 40-watt incandescent bulbs were phased out and will no longer be produced.) Light bulb companies and environmental organizations can be thanked for pushing this action. Conservation of energy may come with a negative price tag for body dynamics. The light bulb companies could see increased profits initially and wanted to close manufacturing plants in the USA and build LED light bulbs in China or Mexico. LEDs sell for 10X more but are also expected to last 20 times longer.
Electronics like cellphones, TVs, computers, tablets, and LED light bulbs all emit more blue light than before. Here is what Harvard Medical has to say about the dark side of LEDs. *** ref **> "Light at night is bad for your health, and exposure to blue light emitted by electronics and energy-efficient lightbulbs may be especially so."
It is rather amazing that there is almost a complete lack of public notifications concerning these ill-health properties of greater blue light LEDs when used at night. Check out this reference on how the color of light influences health. Public health may not be the top priority of Government regulations. Below is copied a summary from the reference just sighted.
“Increasing the blue portion of artificial light may improve performance and learning ability in school kids and employees working indoors, and health will be improved in patients staying at nursing homes or hospitals.” On the other hand, he adds, a reduction of the blue portion in artificial light during nighttime hours could protect shift workers against disorders such as cancer and cardiovascular disorders as well as reduce sleep disturbances and their consequences among the general population." end of copy
Here is GE's response first to admit the facts by selling an amber light to promote sleep and then to add perspective or soft-pedal this blue light issue. ref ref
How the Body reacts to the Blue Light Specials
Below is the unbelievable copy from the Harvard Medical website referenced above concerning the dangers of blue light from LEDs and Electronics at night. PRECAUTIONARY PRACTICES SHOULD BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY.
"But we may be paying a price for basking in all that light. At night, light throws the body’s biological clock—the circadian rhythm—out of whack. Sleep suffers. Worse, research shows that it may contribute to the causation of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. ref
But not all colors of light have the same effect. Blue wavelengths—which are beneficial during daylight hours because they boost attention, reaction times, and mood—seem to be the most disruptive at night. And the proliferation of electronics with screens, as well as energy-efficient lighting, is increasing our exposure to blue wavelengths, especially after sundown." ...END of copy
It appears LEDs rich in blue light suppress natural melatonin production many times below normal. This disrupts the natural biological cycles necessary for health. Next are some of the recommendations from Harvard researchers about how you can reduce your exposure to blue lights at night. Parents should be mindful of and limit how much their children look at electronic screens, but also limit the use of only LED lighting in bedrooms, especially at night. This will soon be a difficult task as the availability of incandescent bulbs dries up. If you find some, buy them for lamps to use in bedrooms. ref
"What you can do
Use dim red lights for night lights. Red light has the least power to shift circadian rhythm and suppress melatonin.
Avoid looking at bright screens beginning two to three hours before bed.
If you work a night shift or use a lot of electronic devices at night, consider wearing blue-blocking glasses.
- Expose yourself to lots of bright light during the day, which will boost your ability to sleep at night, as well as your mood and alertness during daylight." ...END of copy
- PLUS, filters are available for screens to limit blue light effects. From Amazon here
- Amber glasses that block out some blue light or googles can also be used. info here
- An app that automatically controls screen intensity by time of day is also a possibility. example
LIGHT from an issue of interest to PROFOUND LIFE AND DEATH
Here is where the story gains a significance far beyond just the environmental impact of LED low energy usage light bulbs. The human eye has two light sensing systems operating at the same time. One is the obvious, rods and cones on the back of the eye stimulate vision. The other system reacts to light to set the biological clocks for the body. A certain area of the brain controls the circadian rhythm functions. This is number 1 of 3 ways (known so far) blue light damages health.
This section of the brain has also been found to be damaged in some dementia cases. Alzheimer's patients may be off on their cycles by as much as two hours. Using a bright light (blue light works here) in the morning for a period of time helps to normalize cycles and improve health. ref Morning sunrise light is very blue. This is when blue light is very healthful. But at night at appears to upset natural body cycles with a number of unhealthy consequences.
LIMIT time children are on computers and cellphones. Child eyes need natural sunlight to fully develop naturally.
2. NEW AREA of Blue light EYE DAMAGE
This report shows that blue light concentration can DAMAGE cells lining retina at the back of the eye over time. This increases the condition know as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) leading to blindness. ref
There is in nature, a protective element from vegetables, two carotenoids, Lutein and Zeaxanthin. ref These two carotenoids and their isomers (meso-zeaxanthin is one) are found abundantly in the macula on the retina of the eye. Because of their yellow color, they help mitigate and prevent free radical damage from blue light. The vegetables kale, spinach, collard greens and other similar leafy vegetables contain these two carotenoids. The AREDS2 eye study reported this information. This study found an 18% reduction in AMD progression in the test group taking the vitamin formula with lutein (10 mg) and zeaxanthin (2MG) instead of beta carotene.*
More studies are needed. Eat more leafy green vegetables.
3. Check out this report on blue light exposure on skin. Not only can it generate pimple breakouts, from sweat and heat, it can also generate free radicals deeper than UVA and UVB sun rays. article
Of course, it might not be just the bluelight, cellphones contain a lot of bacteria that goes onto your cheeks. This is very new info and will need more research to verify extent of any linked damage. But, far too much smoke coming from BLUELIGHT exposure not to take precautions.
*FYI: There are now some eye supplements that provide the 3 key carotenoid forms effective for protecting the macula. Macula contains higher concentrations of these carotenoids, Lutein, Astaxanthin, and Meso-Zeaxanthin, than other tissues. Meso-zeaxanthin appears to be the limiting nutrient as it is rarely found in any quantity in plants, while fish is a source. These carotenoids are yelow green in color and this appears to have a neutralizing impact from the cumlative effects of short wavelength blue light from TVs, cellphones, and computers. ref
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