UPDATE: Feb 2023
Here a most recent paper on what might be happening with vaccinated young men and myocarditis. It found differences that might account for this condition. ref
UPDATE: Oct 2022
Check out the Key points here. Here is copy from this Mayo Clinic reference: "People who are fully vaccinated can get breakthrough infections and spread the virus to others. But the COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe illness."
UPDATE: April 22, 2022
So far, no direct cause has been mentioned as to why the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are causing myocarditis in a small number of young men. This next referenced study looked at some obvious heart connected elements and symptoms, but did not find anything significant. ref Thus, maybe it is something rather simple that no one is looking for or wants to talk about.
The mRNA vaccines direct the body to build thousands, perhaps millions of spike proteins exactly as found on the real live viruses. just without the virus part. But there is one basic difference, the spike proteins are genetically modified adding 2 extra amino acids to prevent the spike protein from assimilation into cells, as would happen during Covid-19 disease. So, if (this is a big if which is not mentioned in mainstream medicine) the spike proteins do get into the circulation system from the injection site and roam around in the blood vessels, when the spike proteins find an ACE2 receptor, they attach and become stuck to the outside of that cell until the body house cleaners come along and dissolve them. ACE2 receptors are found in many cells, but predominate in lung cells lining air sacs and in blood vessel wall cells. Reports found to date report the body would remove the majority of spike proteins in a little over a week. Since the spike proteins are very small. if they attach to a large artery wall, they may not have much impact. But, what about if they attach to the wall of a small blood vessel? Some small artery vessels are so tiny, only one red blood cell can pass through at a time. Now, imagine that red blood cell encountering the spike end of a struck spike protein. The red blood cell would probably not survive intact and would be torn apart. There are many of these tiny vessels in the heart. Could this tiny amount of damage to red blood cells in the heart vessels be enough to initiate an immune reponse which triggers heart inflammation in young healthy men. They may be the only ones to have peak functioning immune systems and this prompts a response as myocarditis while in other people, this event would be under the carpet and not noticable. Food for thought! Some Researchers have found blood clotting signs in covid-19 and vaccinated people.
So far, only censored Scientists have mentioned this could be a possibility. The big IF here is how often does spike protein from the vaccine get into the blood circulation system? Information on this aspect is very difficult to discover. Scientists leave this area out of most discussions about how the body deals with nRNA material and builds spike proteins. There is one fact that is mentioned by most about a very unique cell behavior the body uses to protect itself.
When cells begin to build the vast number of proteins needed by the body, the cells tack a small amount of this protein onto the outside of the cell. Body police cells come by and read this tacked up protein to make sure the cell is producing a natural body required protein. If the police cells find a cell has gone rogue and is building a contrabanded protein, or is producing a dangerous virus, the police cells call up for immune garage collectors to come and destroy the rogue cell and it's contents. Plus the police cells tell neighboring cells about the dangerous situation too. Cells talk to each other. Now, this activity is claimed by the mRNA vaccine Scientists to destroy the spike proteins before they are allowed to leave the injection site cells. BUT, there are simply too many pieces of data that appear to say differently. Some mRNA material and newly built spike proteins escape these immune containing aspects and find a way into the lymph system and then into the circulation system. How much of the mRNA and spike proteins get this far may determine some of the more severe reactions. Hopefully, the numbers are small. Check out this most recent reference> ref
This is the latest Scientific info on Covid-19 vaccines and side effects. ref Still the recommendation is the vaccine presents a lower risk than the disease. But, at last, some of the side effects are coming out that warrant monitoring.
Copy from least reference:
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"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines induce robust anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune responses, yet their cellular-molecular mode of action and the etiology of the induced AEs remain elusive.
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LNPs have a probable broad distribution in human tissues/organs; they may also (along with the packaged mRNA) exert a pro-inflammatory action.
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COVID-19 mRNA vaccines encode for a transmembrane SARS-CoV-2 S protein, however, shedding of the antigen and/or related peptides fragments in the circulation may occur.
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Binding of circulating S to ACE2 (that is critical for the renin-angiotensin system balance) or to other targets, along with the possibility of molecular mimicry with human proteins may contribute to the vaccination-related AEs. (adverse effects)
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The benefit-risk profile remains in favor of COVID-19 vaccination, yet prospective pharmacovigilance and long-term monitoring of vaccinated recipients should be a public health priority."
UPDATE: January 26, 2022
The Omicron surge may be due to this strain partly avoiding the immune response from vaccines and past infections from other strains. ref The mRNA vaccines were developed using the RNA from the spike (S) protein, The Omicron strain has many mutations to the spike protein. While other immune factors from the past are still operating somewhat, the viral entry from the spike proteins seems to be an issue. A new target protein could be needed for future vaccines.
Update: Sept 10, 2021
There is a rather unusual event that the WHO initiated near the end of January of 2021. You can read about it here. The WHO changed the procedures for covid testing of the PCR tests which had the effect of lowering sensitivity that reduced the number of overall positive results, especially false positives. Why? Dr. Fauci even mentioned earlier that the higher testing settings would result in dramatically increased positive readings.
Breakthrough Cases from fully Vaccinated People
One State covid stats: Utah, with the highest such cases, found 33% of new Covid cases from mid January to August 6, were in fully vaccinated people. ref (that is still only .36% of all vaccinated people) Hopefully, the disease symptoms were less severe and didn't require hospitalization. But, still, not a good statistic. The vaccines are still reported as working to reduce symptoms and prevent full blown illness. These people would still be able to spread the virus. This MIT article provides more detail and why there will be increasing breakthrough cases in the future, both from numbers and new variants, but that the numbers should remain a very low percentage overall.
FYI: Vaccines in the past prouced antibodies that prevented the disease. The covid-19 vaccines were designed to produce the wrong antibodies and in the wrong spots. The vaccine antibodies work in the blood stream after the virus has already entered the body and started the disease process. The area where they would have the most preventative effects would be in the cells lining the lungs and other mucosal cell types like those in the nose. IgA antibodies in these locations act directly to destroy the viruses as they start to enter the body rather than after they are already in the blood stream. They mark the viruses for destruction by other immune system cells. The vaccines produce IgA as well as IgG antibodies, but the IgA antibodies are in the blood stream and not on mucous membranes. IgG are the main body antibodies and are also produced by vaccines. ref They safely mark healthy proteins as essential while marking viruses in the body for destruction. Unfortunately, they can also sometimes trigger autoimmune diseases in certain people. ref Longer term vaccine studies discover which people are possibly susceptible.
Here are the current CDC recommendations for vaccinated people who come in contact with a Covid-19 carrier.
San Diego, over a week period recently, reported that of 57 Covid deaths, 11 were in those fully vaccinated. Next are the facts about this from NBC news San Diego:
"The new deaths occurred between Aug. 19 and Sept. 13, and 11 of the 57 people who died were fully vaccinated. The deceased were 34 men and 23 women; 54 had underlying medical conditions, one did not and two had medical history pending.
Of the 57 deaths, 15 were 80 years of age or older, 11 were in their 70s, 22 were in their 60s, four were in their 50s, two were in their 40s and three were in their 30s."
Ivermectin: This is a drug for animals used by Veterinarians to kill parasites, and also in humans as an anti-malaria drug. In areas of India, it has been used in humans for help against Covid-19 with possibly positive results, until it was recently banned. It is causing quite a controversy in the United States as to whether or not it works against Covid-19. ref ref ref ref
Update: August 2021
The new Delta covid variant first surfaced in India. It has a much quicker spreading ability. This variant is generating a large degree of covid surges in 170 Countries. Still in the wings is the Mu variant B.1.621 from Columbia, now in 39 Countries. The WHO has just labelled the Mu as a "variant of interest." It has "mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape." On the watch is a new covid mutant from Peru called lambda, and another one not named yet from South Africa, the C.1.2, that is still so new not much is known about it yet, just in 10 Countries. ref This one exhibits over 40 steps of mutation away from original virus which could enable it like Mu to sidestep the natural antibody immunity built from the original covid-19 strain disease plus those developed from the vaccines. Info from CDC on variants. C.1.2 not added yet. Health agencies are in a wait and watch to determine the full scope of effects from these new variants. If these new variants are indeed outside of the influence of the current natural antibodies and vaccines, this changes everything.
Keep reading for steps you can take now regardless of status to safeguard below** or you can go here for same info.
Update: February 17, 2021
This is troubling news. Mutants of the Covid-19 virus, especially the South African one, reveal a reduction of current vaccine effectiveness. In South Africa, people who recovered from Covid-19 later came down with the new mutant disease. Thus, the mutant virus may not be significantly affected by antibodies produced against the original covid-19 virus. The current Covid-19 vaccines should still slow down and reduce symptoms to various degrees until... Covid-19 started as an epidemic, quickly became a pandemic, and now looks like it is endemic. This daramatically increases the need for everyone to achieve peak performance for their immune systems. Here is a USA Today News article explaining how mutants are formed, what is an endemic, and some consequences.
FYI: You are not completely helpless in this situation. There are ways you can help your immune system to attack and destroy viruses as well as to provide a stronger barrier in cell membranes to prevent virus attachment and duplication. Maybe not 100%, but still significant to give medical professionals more time. ref After one year, the Medical profession appears to still be in the experimental treatment protocol phase for treating Covid-19. Why? This is a major question that someone has to answer.
Update: February 2, 2021
Even after vaccination, the prudent principle remains to safeguard a strong and active immune system. Read below to learn how to accomplish this vital precautionary approach. Here is what happens in the body after shots.
UpDate: January 8, 2021
With the Covid-19 vaccines just rolling out, time will tell when enough people get innoculated to influence herd immunity.* Often it takes about 65% for noticeable results when recovered people are included. Scientists are looking at around summer since the process has been rather slow so far. Any new waves or surges could sxtend the timeline.
So far, four new mutant strains of COVID-19 have been discovered. Most exhibiting a greater ease and speed of spreading. These mutated viruses have already shown a lowered percentage of vaccine effectiveness. 
Plus, Scientists are attempting to find out if once a person is vaccinated, can they still pass the virus on to others if exposed to it before their body immune system destroys the viruses. They should not notice any symptoms during this process. This could push up the percent needed for herd immunity.
Anyway, masks and social distancing would still be in place, especially since the viruses can quickly mutate into new forms. So far, it appears that the present vaccines will continue to work against the new strains. But, the percent effective rate may decline to some extent. Time will tell if and when a booster shot may become necessary to improve effective rates back up.
Moderna has just announced that their vaccine protection should last a year. Does that mean that, like the flu, every year people will need another shot?
*The new reality is that herd immunity is no longer a possibility since vaccinated people can still pass on the virus, especially the new variants, since they have been found if exposed to develop similar virus amounts in nose and mouth as non-vaccinated people. The vaccination just reduces symptoms or prevents a full blown disease from developing. Since the world population now travels globally, herd immunity is ony as strong as the level of the lowest infected and vaccinated Country.
It has to also be pointed out that the principles for these two COVID-19 vaccines use a completely new method for vaccinations. In the past, vaccines used either a weakened form of the virus or a subunit of it ( a unique protein) so that the body developed an immune response which then gets stored for later action against the recognized virus.
These new COVID-19 vaccines use a new method, a genetic code action. They use mRNA material (messenger gene sequence built proteins) from the spikes on the Covid virus. This is part of the code system for developing new viruses. This mRNA material is then encapsulated into tiny lipid (oil) nanoparticles.* After injection, this compound causes the body to actually build a small amount of the proteins just like those on the covid virus spike cap. Immune cells then respond and develop immunotherapy actions against the covid spike RNA material proteins. Memory is stored in special immune cells for later use when needed to prevent a full force virus attack, all by just recognizing and eliminating these covid cap spike proteins. This hinders attachment of the viruses and speeds elimination out of the body. This is a simple explanation for a rather complex set of reactions. As with any new method, there are possible side effects. A few people are allergic to Propylene Glycol, a preservative ingredient in the injection. After injection, people are told to wait 15 minutes before leaving to make sure they do not experience any severe reactions. New information is consistently building. Since the vaccines work by triggering immune responses. Those with an already compromised immune system may have to take take special precautions.
*This reference talks about this new delivery method, lipid coated nanoparticles. Some good points and some not so good ones. Time will tell which will predominate.
Regardless of whether vaccinated or not, the protocols listed in a separate article for peak immunity should be followed to limit any future potential adverse effects.
October 10, 2020
The current reality is that the particular strain of coronavirus causing COVID-19 will be active for some time, maybe years, even with a vaccine. Virus vaccines are not usually 100% effective. Most are in range of 60 -70% (ref) and with protection lasting anywhere from 80 days to two years plus. High risk individuals will still have to be cautious even if they get the vaccine since time is needed to tell how long the vaccine protection will last. Could be a few months, a year, or a lifetime..? Will it be like the FLU and mutate every year or so into a new form? And the question about getting COVID-19 a second time is still searching for a definitive answer. The 90 to 95% prevention rates for the two COVID-19 vaccines appear to be miracles. More testing and time are needed to verify. ref ref
Death Numbers
When Covid death numbers were at 262,000, on overall cause of deaths in US using data for April 2020 since this month saw rapid increase with high number of COVID-19 deaths. This next reference questions the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 since all the other causes of death declined. Were causes misclassified? ref
Start of original article:
Every winter, flu virus outbreaks cause a number of people to become sick and some immune system compromised or otherwise already ill patients do not survive. This year, from Oct 1 to date, the regular human flu types A and B, from CDC estimates, have sickened over 20 million people with about 20,000 related deaths, a very low death rate. Some common colds might be included with flu cases since many similar symptoms. There are vaccines for these flu types and Doctors have some antiviral medicines to use. Here is the low down on Immune Defenses> ref ref How immune system blood cells function> ref
This year, a new virus from the Coronavirus family has appeared in China. What makes this one unique is that this is the first year this strain has appeared in humans. It is not the flu virus. This represents a new strain of coronavirus, similar species but not the same strain that caused SARS or MERS. Many similar coronavirus strains are found in animals. A jump to humans is potentially very dangerous. Time will tell. There are no vaccines yet and this generates quite a bit of apprehension over just how contagious and virulent this strain might become. That is why the panic level is very high at this still early stage of winter disease season which normally runs through May. Time will tell if this strain is different? US Gov coronavirus website.
Official name of virus: SARS-CoV-2. Animal of origin: Bats, Disease it causes: COVID-19
UPDATE WARNING: The coronavirus has been found in stools (poop). Everyone in household should be taugh to do this as a precaution, especially when out in public. Close the toilet lid BEFORE flushing as research has shown virus and bacteria contamination on items in bathroom when poop filled toilets are flushed with top open, especially on toothbrushes if they are near. WASH hands after use and sanitize handles, etc. Far too many people still do not wash hands in public bathrooms and lids on toilets are often not present.
Yes, the coronavirus has slightly different symptoms than the flu virus. Flu viruses come in two types, one is easily spread person to person that has mild symptoms and infects the upper respiratory lung area, while the other attacks the lower lung area and is more severe but harder to transmit. This new coronavirus appears to be easily spread person to person from touch, air, or contact surfaces. Both of the lung areas get infected.
New Symptoms: From USA Today July 11, 2020:
Congestion, runny nose, nausea and diarrhea are the four most recent COVID-19 symptoms that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added to its growing list of potential signs of the novel coronavirus.
The CDC previously said symptoms include chills, fever, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and a new loss of taste or smell. The agency now lists 11 symptoms on its website.
The additions come as health experts continue to learn more about the disease, and care for very ill COVID-19 patients is improving. Even so, the CDC states the current list doesn't include all possible symptoms for the virus.
Doctors have also identified a symptom informally dubbed "COVID toes" – the presence of purple or blue lesions on a patient’s feet and toes
This new Coronavirus has already eclipsed the SARS strain (2003) in number of deaths and appears to be just as easily spread. The SARS death rate was 6.5%. This new strain appears, from data presented so far, to fortunately have a rather low mortality factor, just slightly over 2%. Time will tell. While the camel related MERS strain, started in the Middle East in 2016, has an over 30% mortality rate, it is very slow in spreading with just over 2500 cases and 858 deaths in three years.
UPDATE on Morality Rates: A very preliminary report breaks down the mortality rate by age groups. Over 80, 16%, Over 70, 8%, over 60, continues to drop similarly for each 10 year group ongoing. The overall mortality rate is climbing, today, April 4, it is about 5%, (1,000,000 / 50,000, worldwide) The USA mortality rate is about 2.4%. (January 1, 2021, it is dropping, now at 1.7%)
NUMBERS with a grain of Salt: Remember, the numbers given out are for tested and confirmed cases only. The actual number of infected people is quite a lot more. Many people may not even know they are carriers since they do not exhibit symptoms, or symptoms are so mild they are not given significance.
So, this new strain has the potential to rapidly overtake these other two cases in just a few months, but still a far cry from the regular human type flu numbers. Every 6.5 days, this new strain is doubling in the number of people infected. While the official numbers reported are quite low, the real numbers could be much higher due to the incubation period of between 2 to 14 days, and only confirmed cases are counted.
The first cases were reported in early December out of China but it took until January to identify that this was a new strain. While the infected numbers are steadily increasing, the real story Scientists are watching will be the number that exhibit a complete recovery. (3-25-2020, number is 125,500)
NOTE: For the scientifically sound, here is what is happening in the body with COVID-19. Layman just read the conclusion, especially the last line. ref
Avenues for Treatment
While viral drugs have not been discovered yet that kill viruses, there are a number of ways to help limit or slow viruses down. In order for a virus to cause disease symptoms, it first has to significantly grow in numbers by hijacking cells in the body for this purpose. Preventing viruses from attaching to or entering through cell membranes represents one way drugs and food nutrients help control this build up of more viruses. Another way is kick start immune cells to become more aggressive in attacking viruses. ref
**Peak Immunity: The idea here is not just to increase if low the number of immune white blood cells like T-cells and B-cells, it is more to increase the potential activity level of these cells. This means their level of readiness to attack viruses and bacteria in the blood. The five Immune White Blood Cells have a balance point or ideal ratio between them that needs to be respected. Doctors measure these levels to determine how the immune system is functioning and to see if the immune system is currently responding to a body situation, such as inflammation. Inflammatory processes are directly linked to immune activity.** T-cells and B-cells work together against bacteria and viruses. First, other helper immune cells in the blood immediately attack the invading pathogens. Then the B & T cells represent the big guns of the immune system and work against the pathogens when they have overwhelmed the first line of defense, the macrophages. B-cells build up antibodies to attach to viruses outside of cells to prevent them from entering cells for duplication. The cells already in cells and dupicating, are the responsibility of T-cells to kill the viruses. ref ref Both B & T cells remember the invaders for future. ref
Here is another reason to maintain a balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. From years of HIV research, it was discovered that healthy cell membranes made up of good fats are better able to stand up against virus attempts to attach and enter. ref ref Another avenue for drugs is to attach to viruses in the blood to prevent viruses from attaching to receptors that later facilitate their entry into cells. ref ref
The IMMUNE SYSTEM: How to Limit Exposure and Possibly Reduce Severity of Virus Infections. to see this article click here
Strange History
Interesting Update: Yes, the NIH did announce that it suspended grants that might have included funds directed to the Wuhan Lab working on bat virus research recently. article The COVID-19 virus might have been accidentally released from this lab in China. The story that it was from bat interactions with Pangolins and then infected humans from the meat sold at the wet markets in Wuhan is rather a stretch. There are no records of any bats or pangolins sold at these markets before. The Horseshoe bat population is hundreds of miles from Wuhan near the area of Wannun. A record does show that in 2012, a number of miners in the Wannun area became sick from bat bites. Records also show that the lab in Wuhan experimented with and talked about results with these Wunnan bats in 2015. article It is certainly a possibility that a lab worker may have been bitten and infected to start this pandemic. A horseshoe bat in England was recently found to harbor a coronavirus similar to the one causing Covid-19. A committee from the World Health Organization recently investigated the origin of covid-19 and stayed with the wet market bat theory. article Food for thought.
*hydrochloroquine Most of the studies that found no benefit were conducted on hospitalized patients. But, when acting as a zinc ionophore, hydrocholoroquine presents greatest value before and at first sign of Covid-19 infection rather than later when people already have a significant viral load in their body and are in the hospital.
Numbers for the Coronavirus are slowly expanding. Click on "Monitor the Coronavirus outbreak" near top on this website for a map with numbers here. In 36 Countries, over 100,000 confirmed cases, with just over 3041 deaths. This next reference gives far to many virus actions in the body for regular folks, and is included only for the very curious. ref The major situation is this, over 80% of cases exhibit mild flu type symptoms. And the 20% that are more severe will exhibit results determined by the level of the immune system to withstand and recover from virus activity. Seniors and others are at increased risk if they already have other respiratory compromising diseases. Myths of Coronavirus.
IMPORTANT FACT: While Seniors and those with compromised immune systems or respiratory conditions are at increased risk, young and seemingly healthy people 35-50 are dying in far to great numbers. As of April 8, 759 in the United States.
Some interesting facts are beginning to be revealed. The death rate is slowly climbing, up from just under 2% to about 3.1% now. Mostly older people with weakened immune systems. The few deaths in middle age adults are also most likely from those with compromised immunity. Rather astonishingly, no deaths yet in healthy children. Young children are mostly developing the mild symptom version. This was also found in the other major coronavirus outbreaks, like SCARS. These facts could change at any time. The fact that children and healthy adults usually only develop mild symptoms, should not warrant the panic level displayed in the general public. It is the rather long incubation period of up to 14 days before people show symptoms that presents problems for isolating and preventing the spread of this disease. The confirmed cases are only the tip of the iceberg. Everyone needs to be responsible to help limit transfers people to people and become part of a prevention solution.
If people break mandatory or voluntary quarantines, the disease will spread faster. The underlining fear is that the numbers will rapidly escalate and overwhelm the medical care system. Not enough hospital beds or equipment like respirators to help lungs function.
What does the coronavirus do to the body?
The regular flu symptoms, coughing, sneezing, fever, aches and pains, are more or less the processes the body is using to attempt to expel the virus. What happens after the virus numbers increase, the virus starts to attack and kill mucous producing cells lining the inside of lungs. In among the mucous cells are cilia cells with hair-like projections. The back and forth movement of the cilia normally expels the mucous out of the lungs. These cells are also attacked. ref ref The lungs start to lose the ability to clear mucous out and fluids can build up leading to pneumonia. This is why CoQ10 is part of protocol for older people for whatever benefits it might provide. Young people usually produce enough CoQ10 to energize lung cells.
Obviously, nutrients to help strengthen the lung cells are needed. Vitamin C builds needed collagen, Vitamin A helps nourish mucous membranes to aid their function of acting as a barrier against viruses. Vitamins also help fight against infections and lower inflammation. Systemic Inflammation, a far too common condition throughout the body, also overwhelms the immune cells by increasing areas needing support.
Lecithin is a great membrane integrity factor to build healthy cell membranes. Omega 3 helps, but do not overdo. Other body functions are also attacked by this virus as noted in reference above.
Gingko is also used in people with asthma. ref Carbon dioxide is exhaled while oxygen is inhaled. These nutrients may have some value in diseases that attack the respiratory system. ref
Method of actions in lungs: "blocks the action of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a compound the body produces that in part causes asthma symptoms." Worth a try.
NAC, N-acytel-L-cysteine, also supports lung functions. Just to be used during crisis times and not all the time. Think of these nutrients as immune ticklers. If used all the time, they become immune irritants.
THE Bottom line is that a stronger immune system is paramount. Building an affective white blood cell activity barrier may slow progression of disease and reduce severity of symptoms. Plus any support to enhance lung functions may help support and limit long term damage to tissues.
What is occurring on a Worldwide scale appears to be an unbelievable overreach by many. So, what really is at the heart of these extreme measures by Governments and the MEDICAL Professionals?
The first 2 references in the above CoronaVirus article are from chapters in a textbook about viruses. Here is the defining chapter 48, just before the above two references. Evolution of Viruses. Read the conclusion. Stay vigilant and be safe. 96% or more of people will survive with heroic medical team support, many with just a mild to bad flu. The survival of the other 4% may depend upon their exposure and your actions to prevent the rapid spread of this virus.
What is meant by tweaking the immune system?
Some of the above recommendations suggest that they could tweak or optimize the immune system white blood cell activity levels. This needs some clarification as this is a very controversial area. Scientists have found it difficult to measure and determine just what constitutes a peak level for the immune sytem. More cells is not the answer. Higher number of immune white blood cells (WBC) usually indicates a disease fighting situation.
A study over 50 years ago found that blood drawn after a high sugar meal, compared to blood drawn before, increased the growth rate of bacteria added to it. It was assumed that the blood after the meal had lower immune cell activity that allowed the bacteria to quickly grow. This effect lasted a few hours. For some reason, this research did not stimulate further studies. Check out the work below for some insights that may have profound implications for the immune system under attack today.
A Novel Study for food influence on Immunity
A study by Doctor Kouchakoff in 1930 (ref), "The Influence of Cooking Food on the Blood Formula of Man," looked at how different states of food, between raw or cooked, processed, processed and refined, or combinations of those food types together, influenced the immune white blood cell counts and activity levels. He found out that raw foods in their natural state had no effect on white blood cells (WBC). After foods were cooked, the WBC counts often increased. This would indicate that the immune system sensed an attack and was preparing for battle. Adding some raw food with a cooked food stopped this change in WBC count and activity. Some processed and refined foods did not even need to be cooked to elevate WBCs. Thoroughly chewing foods could slightly mitigate some of these WBC effects.
Foods that were cooked and processed increased not only the WBC count, but also changed the ratio between the 5 types of WBCs. This indicates that the immune system is in full battle mode, the condition found during disease states.
Next, the Doctor checked to see at what cooking temperature this change from raw to cooked food effects occurred. Usually most foods changed immune reactions around 115 degrees, but there was a slightly different temperature for each food. Foods that would not easily fit in raw or cooked categories, like spices, were tested separately.
This increase in WBC count from cooked foods was only temporary and any long term effects were not mentioned. Thus, this study only provided a grain of sand for health aspects, other than it may be wise to include some raw food at every meal. This research lacks follow up studies to verify results.
There are a few other factors that could offer insights and get play time for these changes. First, how cooking influences vitamin activity, whether they survive alive or not, some don't. Second, how cooking can aid digestion by releasing nutrients bound up with indigestible plant fibers or in thick and tuff membrane cells. ref Third, the many enzymes in raw foods that cooking temperatures destroy could also influence health dymanics. Not a lot of reasearch on this topic. Plus, it is known that proteins can be altered by high temperatures. Some breakdown does occur. How do these protein changes impact body processes?
There are obviously both positive and negative aspects for these changes. But that is another story.
That apparently healthy young people are dying is troubling. Why? Scientists have discovered that blood clots may be responsible. A dysfunction of the coagulation system is present that is not found in recovery patients. More on this soon. Enzymes such as nattokinase to limit fibrin levels might be involved. Do not overuse and best with Medical support to monitor coagulation potential. The virus stirs up inflammation that causes fibrinogen to make fibrin which increases clotting mechanisms.
The situation Medical Authorities are waiting for is to have hospitals move out of the crisis state and develop regular working situations with enough room capacity to handle daily Covid-19 traffic. As the Country starts to open up, those who are at higher risk may have to continue to take precautions and practice social distancing. Probably best to follow the current instructions in place now for everyone for maybe the rest of this year or until a vaccine is available or a test shows one already has the antibody defense. Of course this depends on a 0% reinfection rate.
After the antibody test is in use, it still has to be discovered if the antibodies produced in those who have had COVID-19 will stay around or weaken over time.
- * ref for those at higher risk
- Seniors, especially those with any respiratory conditions
- Diabetics
- Asthmatics
- Heart or circulation conditions
- Cancer patients, HIV, or any other weakened immune systems
- Liver or Kidney problems
To prevent this article about the NIH funding coronavirus research getting eliminated, here is analysis copied:
NIH Cancels Funding for Bat Coronavirus Research Project
The abrupt termination comes after the research drew President Trump’s attention for its ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Update (August 28): STAT reports that the NIH has awarded EcoHealth Alliance new funding as part of a grant to a network of institutions and research teams that will “work to determine how and where viruses and other new pathogens emerge from nature to begin infecting people.”
Update (August 19): According to a Wall Street Journal report and a statement by EcoHealth Alliance, NIH reversed its termination of the grant but suspended funding until EcoHealth meets new requirements, including arranging an inspection of the Wuhan Institute of Virology by an outside team. “NIH’s letter does not represent a good faith effort to understand the nature of our ongoing research,” EcoHealth says in its statement, but “imposes on us a series of demands that the NIH is fully aware many governments and the World Health Organization alike have been unable to successfully satisfy.”
Update (May 26): Last week, 77 Nobel laureates and 31 scientific societies separately sent letters to NIH Director Francis Collins criticizing the decision to terminate the grant and urging that it be reviewed, Science reports.
Agrant to a New York nonprofit aimed at detecting and preventing future outbreaks of coronaviruses from bats has been canceled by the National Institutes of Health, Politico reports, apparently at the direction of President Donald Trump because the research involved the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The virology institute has become a focal point for the idea that SARS-CoV-2 escaped from the laboratory and caused the current COVID-19 pandemic, a scenario experts say is not supported by evidence. Instead, virologists The Scientist has spoken to say the virus most likely jumped from infected animals to humans.
The grant, first awarded in fiscal year 2014 and most recently renewed last year, went to EcoHealth Alliance, which describes itself as “a global environmental health nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting wildlife and public health from the emergence of disease.” The aims of the funded project included characterizing coronaviruses present in bat populations in southern China and conducting surveillance to detect spillover events of such viruses to people. The project has resulted in 20 publications, most recently a March report on zoonotic risk factors in rural southern China.
EcoHealth Alliance’s partners on the project include researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a BSL-4 facility that has for months been a focus of conspiracy theories that SARS-CoV-2 escaped or was released from a lab. On April 14, the The Washington Post published a column highlighting State Department cables about concerns regarding safety at the institute. (Experts tell NPR that, even in light of the cables, accidental escape of the virus from a lab remains a far less likely scenario than a jump from animals.)
Then, in an April 17 White House coronavirus briefing, a reporter, whom Politico identifies as being from Newsmax, falsely stated in a question that “US intelligence is saying this week that the coronavirus likely came from a level 4 lab in Wuhan,” and that the NIH had awarded a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab. “Why would the US give a grant like that to China?” she asked. “We will end that grant very quickly,” Trump said in his answer.
An NIH official then wrote to EcoHealth Alliance to inquire about money sent to “China-based participants in this work,” Politico reports, and the organization’s head, Peter Daszak, responded that a complete response would take time, but that “I can categorically state that no fund from [the grant] have been sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, nor has any contract been signed.” Days later, NIH notified EcoHealth Alliance that future funding for the project was canceled, and that it must immediately “stop spending the $369,819 remaining from its 2020 grant”—an unusual move generally reserved for cases of scientific misconduct or financial improprieties, according to Politico.
In a statement about the cancellation, EcoHealth Alliance says the terminated research “aimed to analyze the risk of coronavirus emergence and help in designing vaccines and drugs to protect us from COVID-19 and other coronavirus threats,” and that it addresses “all four strategic research priorities of the NIH/NIAID Strategic Plan for COVID-19 Research, released just this week.” The organization will, it says, “continue our fight against this and other emerging diseases.”
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Three facts that could be of significance occurred late 2019 or early 2020. The Wuhan Lab awarded 2 large contracts. 1. One to the CCP for a security detail to guard the Lab and grounds. 2. Work to beef up the airflow systems for the Lab. 3. The Wuhan lab took down significant parts of their website that had spelled out research they were conducting with the chemistry of the viruses being investigated, plus some earlier history. Not typical activities when one is being open and candid.