COVID-19 UpDated

January 16, 2021
Two or more mutate strains have been identified off the COVID-19 causing virus. One in the U.K., B-117, and one in South Africa, plus one in the US that is almost identical to the one in UK. These appear to exhibit an increased ability to develop and thus spread faster. Fortunately, most of these variants appear to be weakening in their symptoms. But, the fear is that they also will exhibit a reduction of vaccine effectiveness. So far, Scientists believe the current vaccines will still have major effects. This is critical ongoing research. ref
The first two COVID-19 vaccines work in a completely new method for vaccines. They use virus production mRNA code genes from the actual virus spiked cap that once injected, gets the body to build a little bit of that virus cap protein material which the immune system will recognize and destroy as foreign material, plua also to store this action in memory of immune cells for use in the future. When exposed in the future, the immune system cells will destroy the virus cap material which will not let the virus cap spikes cling to cell walls and enter their virus DNA to have the cells build more viruses. This points to a very vital aspect. Vaccinated people would still harbor the virus if exposed but would not come down with the disease. But, what about the ability to act as a host to spread the virus during this fight off period? Looks like they could but with less ability to expel the virus into the air since not coughing.
Some interesting trends from the CDC, Center for Disease Control, data reveal that a very strange occurrence has happened. In the last four months of 2019, the CDC estimated there were 65,000 flu cases in the US. For this same period in 2020, only 1,016 cases of the flu were recorded. Maybe lock downs, social distancing, hand washing, and masks work against the regular flu to a miraculous degree, but not as much in slowing down and preventing COVID-19. Also, the COVID-19 situation increased the demand for the flu vaccines. This also was probably a significant factor. There were 547 different strains of regular flu discovered in 2019. This prompted scientists to create a flu vaccine with more than one strain in mind in an attempt to increase the effectiveness of the current year flu vaccine. Regular effective rates vary from 50 to 70%. Now, there is also another possible scenario, flu cases could have been recorded as Covid-19 cases, without testing and some eariler tests that used older testing protocols. Newer tests can differentiate article
Vaccines Major Flaw
The official description for the mRNA vaccines is that the material remains locialized to the injection area and does it's work building spike proteins there without them getting into the blood stream. This next reference article used a new tool for measuring small amounts of viral proteins in circulation and found 11 of 13 people tested after vaccination did have subunits of S-1 viral proteins that make up spike proteins. And in 3 of 13, they found spike proteins. This changes the narrative as to the damage potential for these few individuals. This study used young healthy people. This work is coming under attack by the Scientists at the CDC, who still claim that this does not happen.
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