Vitamins on Virus Infections

Methods and Supplements that may (potentially) Limit Exposure and Possibly Reduce Severity of Virus infections (flu, covid, etc)
On a priority 1-10 scale: This article is now a 10.
Why is this topic important today?
Answer: Everyone could benefit from utilizing this information. Even vaccinated people since the reality is the Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent one from getting the virus, they just attack the virus after it enters into the body and limits time for excessive replicative growth of virus and more severe symptoms. These nutritional aspects would complement and add further support.
Question: How might vitamins and other supplements impact viral diseases?
Here is information sheet (which says for health professionals, but everyone should read) from the NIH about possible actions for vitamins on viral loads such as Covid-19 <VERY IMPORTANT MUST READ from Government, in fact this is the best ever Government analysis for vitamins on disease. Plus, the latest from outside the USA on vitamin actions against COVID-19 here.
Next is presented some of the Science that supports what the NIH says about vitamins and other nutrients on Sars-Cov-2 virus from their website.
NOTE: This next sentence is included for almost if not all of the nutrients mentioned:"Currently, data are insufficient to support a recommendation for or against the use of (nutrient or vitamin) supplementation to prevent or treat COVID-19." This is due to the fact that covid-19 is a rather new disease and studies take time to complete, but past studies against similar viruses do provide valuable insights. Notice the mention of ongoing studies. Not all the nutrients mentioned should be used for Scars-Cov-2. They are mentioned by the CDC since they have general immunity actions, but are more geared for bacterial infections or common cold viruses. Some of the nutrients stimulate immune actions from anti-oxidants that can be counter-productive for immune generated free radical virus destroyers.
The immune system is an important part of prevention or mitigation of viral infections. Some vitamin and herbal supplements have functions in building up immune system. ref ref ref ref Diet and lifestyle play a major role. The concept in play here is to build up a peak activity level of immune cell potential to prevent or reduce any viral loads attacking the body. Remember, a ratio between the different immune blood cells needs to be respected. Doctors measure this ratio to see how the immune system is operating. It is not higher numbers that is the goal, but rather the quick response and action potential of immune cells that is important. Here is the typical establishment view that vitamins might help according to how they function, but there is little if any scientific proof: article from Harvard Medical
IT IS VITAL TO SLOWLY BUILD UP LEVELS OF EFFECTIVE NUTRIENTS as starting to take nutrients at first sign of disease is often too late. These nutrients help to prevent and slow virus penetration and attachment before viral replication starts in cells. Here are some common sense proactive tips. ref First thing is to protect against exposure and begin building up the immune system. A peak immune system does not mean higher numbers, but more of a readiness to take action. ref Once an outbreak occurs in your area, put in place the following:
- Wash hands thoroughly and frequently with hot water and soap, plus work at not touching face with hands. Viruses enter mainly through mouth, nose, and eyes.
- Avoid crowds, keep distance between, and limit touching surfaces that people regularly touch: Door knobs, gas station pump nozzles, shopping cart handles, drinking fountain buttons, sink faucet handles, money, ATM keypads, etc. Use back of hand or knuckles when possible and back through swinging doors. Ideally carry a couple of paper towels folded up to use over hands when you have to touch something common, then discard the towel. While science has shown a low rate of infection from these sources, better to be safe than...
- If exposed to unsanitary situations or places, use sani-wipes or similar to clean hands and surfaces, like after children play on park equipment, etc.
- Wear sunglasses or other type to help prevent touching eyes and to protect them from people who cough or sneeze in your direction. Separate and remain a safe distance, at least over 6 feet. Of course all coughs and sneezes are not virus related, but when situations warrant, precaution rules. Viruses can remain suspended in the air for far too many minutes and on some surfaces for over a day.
- Shop early (best) or late to avoid crowds if you can.
- When eating take out, change food to your own dishes and discard wrappers and containers in bags the food came in. Then wash hands before eating. If you can, order food you don't have to eat with your hands, although probably a low method of exposure. (Precautions depend upon your age and health factors.)
- Limit sugar foods and increase vegetables and fruits. (body fluid pH regulation)
- Get enough rest and sleep to help handle and limit stress
- Exercise to increase lung strength but not in excess since that lowers immunity for short periods. (After Olympic events, athletes have a lowered immune system for about 24 hours)
- Take a moderate dose (5-20 billion) probiotic bacteria with strain codes listed after scientific names to aid intestinal health as well as a prebiotic fiber blend to feed your native bacteria. (pH of digestive system) ref ref
- Moderately low vitamins: Vitamin C (250 mg article (High dose vitamins antioxidant overkill destroys immune system ability to kill attacking viruses) ref ref ref article
- Quercetin, from a vitamin C family member Rutin, is used for it's ability to increase zinc uptake by cells. This is the same action performed by the drug hydrochloroquine, just with less side effects. See zinc actions below. ref ref
- Some Zinc at 15-30 mg. with 1 mg copper. Zinc is an immune stimulator, but opposite at higher dosages. ref A Zinc lozenge might help protect mouth as a virus entrance when in crowds or at increased exposure areas, but not needed at home unless someone there is ill. Limit combined dosages to under 40 mg. per day. Chelated Zinc in cell culture test tubes is very effective at stopping virus production. ref
- Vitamin K2 is measuring low in Covid-19 cases. (NIH missed this vital nutrient in "vitamins on Covid-19" data sheet above) Vitamin K2 has vital roles to play against the covid viruses as an antioxidant and in protecting tissue integrity, especially blood vessel walls. ref ref
- Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 have a vital symbiotic relationship against Covid-19. ref ref
- Magnesium to balance calcium. Magnesium is utilized in multiple enzymatic functions, like to activate Vitamins D into its hormone form. ref
- Vitamin D helps macrophages in the blood produce immune peptides called LL-37. ref These not only fight pathogenic viruses and bacteria, they work to limit viral attachment to cell membranes. ref Vitamin D levels should be built up over time from summer sunshine exposure or modest supplements, 400-1000 IU to maintain levels over winter. ref Taking vitamin D at first sign of cold or flu is rarely effective. But during a major disease outbreak, a precautionary reality is to increase D loads 50% until crisis over (1000 - 2000 IU), or at least for a few months, then back off some since at 3 months a peak is reached. ref Caution: Super high dosages in this study not recommended. ref
- A low dose B complex vitamin or a Multiple Vitamin that contains some of the other nutrients mentioned as well. Keep Folic Acid at or below 200 mcg.
- Covid-19 has been discovered to attack the energy functions of mitochondrial. Older people (over 50) might benefit from supplemental CoQ10 as increased levels could offer protection by building energy for cells to strengthen lung functions. ref ref ref
- Elderberry extract might have value. Scientists have discovered an element elderberry contains which helps stop viruses from attaching onto cells. Plus it also wakes up immune cell cyctokines to be more aggressive in attacking pathogenic microbes, such as viruses. Research shows it worked in past, but has yet to be tested against covid-19 strain.
- Oil of Oregano and Olive Leaf Extracts also may have antiviral properties. Of course, these and other nutrients are only part of the approach. They can be rotated and not all used at same time.
- Grape Seed Extract is helpful for virus control as well as for other functions such as skin and blood vessel integrity. It protects elastin and collagen fibers. ref
- If you become ill, stop taking your regular multiple-vitamins. Chances are they contain higher dosages of many antioxidant vitamins. This antioxidant activity stops the free radicals produced by the immune system blood cells that kill viruses. Vitamin C, zinc, and some others mentioned here are OK separately.
- Stay hydrated (mainly water) to help flow of secretions out of the body.
- Selenium has immune action. BUT, it looks like levels have to be known before supplementing. Best to make sure the diet is adequate in selenium content foods and supplements are used under medical care. Selenium appears to have opposing actions at different amounts. ref
- Regarding facial mask: ref Social distancing and avoiding people who are exhibiting flu symptoms are 10 times better than relying on a face mask to prevent virus spread. Probably a good idea when indoors with people you do not know. Thus, masks may make people feel like they are protected, but science is lacking on complete effectiveness. Plus, wearing masks for longer periods reduces the oxygen intake and lowers oxygen content of blood cells. Low oxygen levels in lung cells could over time lead to epithelial tissue damage. Stopping or limiting your own cough or sneeze may be the real influence. But, then it is in the cloth, with a little spread around any mask gaps or through the material. If you are ill, do not go out into public. But remember there are a few days before symptoms manifest. Mask info. Wash masks often and replace when necessary. Go maskless as much as possible when outdoors or in safe conditions. Children need frequent outdoor maskless breaks if required to wear masks in school rooms.
- REMEMBER: All people, regardless of vaccination status, can be infected with enough of the virus to contaminate others. The vaccination is more of a treatment to prevent serious disease conditions and death. Side effects from CDC from Covid vaccines. ref ref It does not completely stop viruses from entering the body, but should slow them down. It initiates immune response antibodies to attack and kill the viruses before they can enter cells and duplicate enough to cause major symptoms.
- Since viruses might remain in nasal tissues for a couple of days, a nasal wash might be prudent to use daily to help flush out (use only distilled or sterile water). Adding a little OTC antiviral could also help. Check with Pharmacists at drugstores for help. Studies underway adding small amount of baby shampoo to help overcome enveloped covid-19 virus cap. ref
- Some mouthwash use might help as well. ref
- Older individuals exhibit lower melatonin levels, and might benefit from supplements of melatonin to protect mitochondria functions by antioxidant actions. ref Melatonin is a hormone and care needs to be exercised.
- Some of the other supplements with values include mushroom extracts, beta glucans (ref), IP6 (ref), and Broccoli SGS (ref), a major detox element. Eating garlic and onions would help. Soup broths as well as bone broths are good for digestion and mineral balance. Maintaining hydration is important so drink some water early in day. Get a little sunshine each day (vitamin D). Relax and lower stress levels. Don't watch the NEWS. Read a book. Think positive happy thoughts. The Brain has a major impact on the strength of the immune system.
- Another important concept concerns the ability of healthy cell membranes to hinder virus entrance into cells. ref ref Cell membranes are made up of fatty acids and phospholipids. The healthier the membranes the better. ref Healthy dietary fats versus unhealthy ones. From Aids research, egg yolk lecithin worked quite well. All lecithin sources have phospholipids. ref Smart Viruses are developing avenues to get around this membrane influence. Some viruses are using another door into cells through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). ref Still some membrane influence from ER structure membranes.
Of INTEREST: It is reported that one of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 disease is a loss of taste and small. These are classic signs of a zinc deficiency or zinc balance disruption. article SARS-CoV-2 viruses use zinc as part of their structure. ref Over time, the genetic code of many viruses have adapted to manipulate zinc balance so more is available for virus growth. article
Everything about viral attachments and more> ref
**Inflammation is one of the processes the immune system uses for healing. Unfortunately, inflammation can also be a factor in overwhelming body homeostasis leading to compromised immune states. ref ref ref
Be sure to notice that selenium is needed in a very narrow range of amounts in the last reference for proper immune system function. Both not enough or too much are negative for immune controls. It depends on the soil level of selenium in each area.
NOTE: There are many different kinds of viruses and they do not all process the same body pathways making it difficult to recommend one protocol for all types. The new SARS CoV-2 virus uses zinc as it's preferred metal ion to anchor the protein cap over the RNA coding material, the blueprint to make new viruses. Thus binding up zinc in cells helps slow down viral production. refThe bound form of zinc also helps stop the viruses, too.
With the current coronavirus crisis, here is a simple explanation about the strategy on lungs for proper immune functioning. ref
FYI:The above actions and nutrients will not prevent this disease if you are exposed to it. The goal or design is to give the body a chance to hopefully reduce the degree or severity of symptoms and allow a better fighting chance for survival. It is not necessary or advised to take all of these nutrients at same time. Many have similar functions. A rotational plan can pay dividends since body setpoints could be avoided. Setpoints may be reached if a nutrient is taken for too long of a time and the desired body reaction is either muted or changed as adaptations develop. At first a feather tickles, then it soon becomes an irritant, or how someone at sea level travels to high mountain elevations and lacks enough oxygen until the body acclimates over a period of time.
If you only want to do one thing to increase your odds of surviving Covid-19, Take Zinc at about 25 mg and Quercetin at about 500 mg. Quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore to get zinc into cells in the proper format so it can fight against virus duplication. Zinc also has anti-viral immune activity in the blood stream. Look at the date of this admission of hospital use. ref
Here is the what this reference found: "Conclusion. This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulphate may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19." (with a zinc ionophore) Even though the inorganic zinc sulphate is effective, a higher quality zinc form as zinc citrate, zinc gluconate, or zinc glycinate or the zinc amino acid chelate, or OptiZinc would be preferred.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: This new Covid-19 finding from Loma Linda Medical changes some directions. Microvessel blood clots are showing up in the small blood vessels around many different organs. Which organ exhibits the greatest damage determines what disease name is added in with Covid-19. Clots and viral infections overwhelm body defences. ref
Here is the offical Phizer website for all things Covid-19 vaccine, including side effects. You may want to read this.
Questions for future?
Do spike proteins built from vaccines migrate away from muscle injection site?
If so, (this is so) could they participate in microvessel damage?
Would this explain why a few young men exhibited myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) or pericarditis (inflammation around heart) right after vaccination? ref
Or is this just an allergic reaction to the vaccine?
Covid-19 disease often exhibits blood clots and / or cardiovascular damage. Is this damage a factor of spike proteins as the Salk Institute found?
Spike Proteins generated from vaccine may last in body for up to three weeks, a typical length of time for similar proteins. Clearance depends upon body conditions. One Scientist Doctor says spike proteins from vaccines do not get out of the cell they are built in except in pieces. This is completely different than what other Scientists are saying as well as what the Drug company says about using GMO mRNA so the spike proteins after they attach to ACE2 receptors will not be able to get into cells.
Spike proteins from mRNA vaccines are almost identical to ones on virus. They are genetically modified with the addition of two extra amino acids that stop the ability of the spike proteins to allow the virus (usually attached) to enter cells after the spike proteins attach to ACE2 receptors on cell wall. If, as one Doctor says, the spike proteins are destroyed by proteasomes before leaving the cell they are build in, why would the drug company go to all this GMO effort to make sure the spike proteins stay attached to ACE2 outside of cells??? and why would a prominent Doctor go to such a length to counter the durg companies own narrative?
If the spike proteins did get out of the arm muscles intact, enter into circulation and attach to an ACE2 receptor at the cell wall, they would then just stay on cell wall until enzymes in the blood can digest and eliminate them. This brings up many questions about observed actions. Could the thorny barbs while attached on the smooth wall veins rupture some red blood cells passing through? Is this one way some of the observations about cardiovascular damage and blood clots happen? Or is the fact that the ACE2 is destroyed after spike attachment and virus enters cell the heart damaging mechanism?
Why are Scientists and Doctors giving conflicting messages about what vaccine spike proteins do and where they go?
Because spike proteins would at most only last three weeks, any possible damage while they were there could be very limited to small areas of the body. These effects may not be noticeable in the vast majority of people. But certain organs or other smaller structures so damaged could yield observable actions at a later date. It might be difficult to work backwards to such a cause later.
THIS IS WHY BUILDING HEALTH AND MAINTAINING PEAK IMMUNITY SHOULD BE A TOP PRIORITY, just in case... At the very least, everyone should be on zinc (15-30mg.) and a zinc ionophore, like quercetin (500mg), plus some vitamin C (250-500 mg.) with vitamin D (500-1000 IUs.)
Here is vital info for latest strain, Omicron BA.1, which already has mutated into 2 and 3. These strains are finding ways to avoid both the vaccine immune system and natural immunity form past covid-19 infections.
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