End of Vitamins - Question & Answer

Apparently not yet according to sales. People still want to believe in the value of their vitamins. NEGATIVE MEDIA REPORTS from rather large studies that vitamins do not prevent disease have yet to significantly tarnish this belief.
This author has discovered another scenario that simply explains "the why" behind many of these negative vitamin studies. After 50 years of combing through and analyzing over 10,000 scientific vitamin research studies* and mixing that information in with human anatomy & physiology, a new vitamin reality has emerged that challenges the premise of many past vitamin perceptions and their resulting flaws incorporated into current vitamin formulas.
Vitamins do have vital roles to play in health. But, somewhere along the vitamin scientific development trail, Scientists ventured too far off nature's path and left out human physiology. Could Scientists simply be studying the wrong form of some vitamins? And what about the proper dosage for the study condition? Or are multiple vitamin formulas simply missing vital symbiotic nutrients that are needed for positive results? Both too little and too much of many vitamins and minerals can exhibit adverse events. A puzzle needs all pieces fitting together. Are Scientists studying an incomplete vitamin picture?
SIDEBAR: Change the above questions into factual statements and that represents exactly the scenario that the articles on this website with the Scientific study links in support will reveal. A hypotheses: There are simple ways to make vitamins more effective and efficient plus to also reduce potential adverse possibilities.
Vitamin ingredient quality and standards over time have rolled downhill. Many supplement minerals come from rocks. Better mineral forms are from plants that take in the rock minerals and process them into a more living format. Many vitamins are synthesized from oil. Do they differ from vitamins made in food? Rock minerals and synthetic vitamins do work to a certain degree, but there are more effective formats. Plus, have dosages increased past natural safeguard points? Do any of these differences really matter?
One other pressing issue needing an explanation now is how can vitamin supplements find redemption after so many large adverse studies and negative media exposure?
Well, yes they can, but only if the Public is first given the real vitamin truths. A logical analysis needs to combat past faulty vitamin premises. And there are far too many. Forms and Dosages matter. Nature exhibits a profound wisdom putting together related and synergistic nutrients in food. Scientists and Nutritionists simply have ventured too far from those balance points. This is the simple realization offered according to the results of recent scientific vitamin research and a few unique old ones. And it is truly a magical story, filled with mystery and intrigue. Discovery awaits you in the 270 essay type articles on this website with over 1000 scientific reference links to help establish the new vitamin reality. article Buckle up!
* Many of the most revealing vitamin studies are still in the Science underground and have not yet became part of the Public Spectrum. This could be your first exposure to many of them. Health Institutions need to incorporate this work into updating vitamin protocols and Public recommendations. Why has this beneficial information remained difficult to find and not yet used to increase Public Health?
PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE: Much of the science presented here is what would be called young science. It needs to mature with greater number and size of studies TO VERIFY. Plus, there are still some vitamin topics that have yet to even be studied so proper determinations for correct dosages and forms or related synergism are still guesstimates. Also there could be other body conditions that interact which need to be factored in but are also not recognized yet. Thus, this new vitamin reality is and will always be a work in progress. Talk to your medical team and listen to your body.
NO! This is not the end of vitamin supplements. BUT, it should be the end to many of the flaws.
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