Will Biology and Technology Merge to Outlaw Disease?

The Covid-19 Pandemic revealed how far science and technology have progressed in generating greater understanding and treatments for disease. The Covid-19 vaccines were brought to market in record time compared to past vaccine development methods. Whether or not this proves to be a God Send or something else, time will reveal since living Covid-19 mRNA was genetically manipulated.
One amazing fact is that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine was developed without even having the virus on hand to study. It was developed on a computer using special software programs that only needed the genetic sequence for the Covid-19 virus. Yes, a genetic modification was added to the sequence in the RNA to change how the RNA built spike protein behaved in the body at the cellular membrane level. The covid-19 vaccines mRNA generates the whole spike protein of the virus because when just creating a part of the spike protein was used, the vaccine did not develop enough antibodies for a strong immunity punch.
In the near future, far-reaching mind-blowing techniques will dominate medicine, some that will be able to spot cancers and other diseases very early, even before they develop. At this stage, it is easier to treat and cure or prevent the future condition.
While for some people, this new medical saviour technology may seem like a license to abandon healthy dietary recommendations, but the reality may be quite the opposite. Overall body health would still be the ideal since pathogens like viruses are able to adapt and hide to get around new treatment protocols.
For example, when cancer patients are considered cancer free after treatment, that does not necessarily mean there are not cancer cell promoters still in the body, it just means they are at numbers too small to be detected. article Plus, if cancer cells start to grow again, they are the ones that survived the initial treatment drugs and come back producing a stronger disease condition that often refuses to bow to the same drugs again. It remains paramount to build peak immunity to be on guard to attack and kill off any emerging cancerous cells.
Other Precautions
Side effects of disease treatments is a constant concern. The marriage of biology and technology created mRNA vaccines have some side effects. ref One major one is in the Heart with Myocarditis or Pericarditis. A cause for these side effects was not found, or at least not mentioned. Since the heart is flooded with blood, any inflammation condition would first get a look into blood factors. The vaccines have spurred micro-vessel blood clots which might be a factor.
Yes, quite remarkable life-saving medical tools are coming, but don't expect to become free of personal health responsibility.
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