Vitamin Patches on absorption

TRANSDERMAL PATCHES is a new method to deliver multiple vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients. This method has been successfully used for various medicines and drugs for some time now. But the introduction of transdermal patches for multi-vitamins is very new. article
Vitamin Workshop 101 will research and provide an analysis soon after more scientific research is digested. ref
The body changes most vitamin supplement compounds during digestion and before assimilation into the preffered and functioning body wise vitamin forms. The digestive processes also limit the over-absorption of various vitamins and minerals. Thus, what impact would putting all the supplement forms directly into the bloodstream have on body functrions? Many of these vitamin forms are synthetic and some minerals are inorganic. These forms are rarely absorbed intact.
Does the body have avenues in the bloodstream or liver to convert the supplement vitamin forms into the bodywise forms? This does happen with synthetic folic acid to a limited degree.
This new method may sound like a good idea for avoiding digestive disfunctions, but blood workups will have to determine and analysis what form these vitamins adopt. The form of vitamins in supplements is usually not the form that is found in the body after digestion and assimilation.
For gastric bypass patients and post operative, this product has merits but should be supplemented with other avenues.
Far too many questions still needing answers. Article from The Conversation. Again, here is research on this issue listed above too. ref
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