Vitamin K on Prostate Cancers

Initially there was quite a stir over the use of vitamin K in some cancers. Vitamin K directs many genes to build or call to action elements that work in the pathways influencing cancers. This reference lists many ways vitamin K might impact cancers. Remember that the synthetic form of vitamin K, listed as vitamin K3, is toxic and it is this toxic aspect that Scientists use in some cancers to help destroy the cancer cells, especially for cancers in the blood and liver. Vitamin K3 is NEVER used nutritionally.
Now, the many Nutritional websites that are playing up this anti-cancer aspect of vitamin K may not be aware that some of these studies used the K3 toxic form. Yes, the nutritional forms like K2 do have some value and a review of the literature is needed to put in perspective, like reference above. Vitamin K benefits may fall in between set amounts, not too low but not too large either. A quick search revealed vitamin K acts on mostly only certain types of cancers like those in blood or liver, and of course, prostate. The next reference talks about a different function of vitamin K that might be involved in prostate problems.
This reference talks about a possible explanation for a cause of BPH, swelling of prostate gland. Look at the dates of reference, 2015 and 2018 for this reference listed above too. The function mentioned is of vitamin K preventing calcification of arteries and veins around the prostate. This process is similar to the calcification in bone. Vitamin K inhibits this mineralization process in arteries but stimulates it in bones using two different activated mechanisms. Once testosterone gets into prostate cells, it turns into DHT and gets stuck causing inflammation. ref < plus how the drugs work.
The vitamin K mineral process somewhat relates to and brings up the issue discussed below. It is opposite.
CAUTION: Men on Vitamin K2 with Prostate Cancer
This is very new and still in preliminary stage of development. It presents how a nutrient may have both positive actions for one function and potentially negative from same function on another area. Vitamin D directs bone cells to produce Osteocalcin. Vitamin K carboxylates osteocalcin into the bone mineralization form. The Osteocalcin forms also participate in normal prostate cell growth. The two forms of osteocalcin, unOC for uncarboxylated osteocalcin, and cOC for vitamin K carboxylated osteocalcin, appear to have opposite and balancing effects on prostate cancer growth. ref (2016) The unOC form inhibits while the cOC form stimulates prostate cancer cell growth individually in a test tube study. The trick may be to get just the right amount of both vitamins D & K so a balance is maintained between unOC and cOC to build healthy bones, control prostate cell growth, and balance blood sugar, another function for osteocalcin. Research is vitally needed to see if the prostate cancer growth control by osteocalcin forms also applies in the body the same as observed in the test tube study. And remember vitamin K2 as MK7 also inhibits artery calcification to protect against heart disease.
At the moment, the precautionary approach may be to limit vitamin K2 as MK7 if prostate cancer is present, or if a history exists in a blood relative unless under supervision by your medical team. This is opposite of many other studies that point to vitamin K2 inhibiting cancers. This needs an immediate answer to find out just what is happening since there are many supplements of vitamin K in the marketplace. Stay tuned.
Vitamin K2 protects the arteries and veins that feed the prostate by limiting calcification to prevent venous damage that can lead to backflow hormone T buildup. ref article
The body needs some vitamin K2, and certain foods before refrigeration used to supply some, but according to this new carboxylated OC issue, not too much. Too much vitamin K2 could upset the as yet unknown balance point between unOC and cOC. This issue is under reported with very little if any public awareness. The balance point is still a mystery. This is very new research. The precautionary principle is in play.
POINT of CONCERN: Some nutrients, like folic acid and maybe vitamin K, might exhibit different effects during the disease process. Before disease, a prevention effect, during disease, an accelerating effect as cancer cells hijack nutrient functions for their own purpose, and after disease to prevent relapse. Dosages with peak benefits could also vary, with adverse effects at both too low and too high, like vitamins D and K. Since many diseases during the early stages do not exhibit observable symptoms, the precautionary approach comes into play at certain ages based upon average statistics, dietary patterns, lifestyle, and of course, family history. Work with your Medical Team to develop healthy and preventative habits.
Major Precaution for Vitamin K supplements
This point needs to be reinforced here about Vitamin K supplements. This also would apply to other nutrients such as mentioned above about folic acid. Vitamin D directs the building of a protein, osteocalcin, that after activation by vitamin K2 into carboxylated osteocalcin (cOC) binds with calcium and other bone minerals to BUILD bone. Therefore, some vitamin K2 is needed for bone health.
The question is how much vitamin K, either K1 or K2, is needed to arrive at a healthy balance point between cOC to ucOC? Since this ratio between the two forms of osteocalcin is also involved with blood sugar control, artery wall anti-calcification, and protecting certain tissues against cancer. Taking too much vitamin K2 to build bones would increase cOC and move the osteocalcin forms ratio out of the protective zone for blood sugar regulation, artery protection, as well as jeopardize certain cancers such as prostate.
This osteocalcin ratio of vital impact on many health conditions is not getting the respect it deserves from the Scientific community. In fact, the most healthful overall ratio for cOC to ucOC is not known yet. It is amazing to learn that bone Doctors have tested for the level of cOC as a sign of the degree of bone building for many years. Unfortunately though, there was never any mention that the test was really measuring for Vitamin K activity.
This is one reason that the new vitamin criteria presented on this website promotes a precautionary dosage for most nutrients. Body wisdom should decide allocation of nutrients to the functions needed. Food nutrients slowly enter into the body while supplements are highly concentrated and often overwhelm the digestive and absorption systems, allowing more of supplemented vitamins into the body at the expense of non supplemented vitamins getting blocked out.
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