Red Vine Resveratrol on Obesity and Diabetes...
Imagine, health benefits by drinking red vine!
Here is the research:
Eur J Pharmacol. 2010 Jun 10;635(1-3):1-8. Epub 2010 Mar 19.
"Resveratrol, obesity and diabetes.
Department of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland.
Resveratrol belongs to the large group of biologically active substances found in plants. This compound is classified as phytoestrogen because of its ability to interact with estrogen receptor. Numerous beneficial effects of resveratrol described in the literature involve cardioprotective, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. Recently, this broad spectrum of effects is enlarged by new data demonstrating a great potency of this compound in relation to obesity and diabetes. It is well established that resveratrol exerts beneficial effects in rodents fed a high-calorie diet. In some studies, resveratrol was reported to reduce body weight and adiposity in obese animals. The action of this compound involves favourable changes in gene expressions and in enzyme activities. The accumulating evidence also indicates the benefits of resveratrol in diabetes and diabetic complications. It is known that resveratrol affects insulin secretion and blood insulin concentration. In animals with hyperinsulinemia, resveratrol was found to reduce blood insulin. Moreover, numerous data indicate that in diabetic rats, resveratrol is able to reduce hyperglycemia. The mechanism of resveratrol's action is complex and is demonstrated to involve both insulin-dependent and insulin-independent effects. These data point to the potential possibility of use of resveratrol in preventing and/or treating both obesity and diabetes."
Another study report on blood sugar support. ref REMEMBER: Wine still has a lot of calories.
OF INTEREST: This reference shows resveratrol increases Glutathione production to help against smoking damage to lung cells. Next, Resveratrol regulates Cyr61 cellular actions, especially for inflammatory conditions. See NAC above. Here is how it might influence Cyr61 type actions. Notice these are from Europe because American Researchers are not free to say such things without getting AMA and FDA upset. Germany set the agenda for plant action research when they created the Commission E reports. ref
Caution: There are some controversies surrounding the merits of resveratrol. It got off to a shaky start in the beginning. Here is the story. article ref It seems some early research stretched some results and hid others. The chief advocate failed to satisfy certain requirements in reporting study results. Since then, more resveratrol research has surfaced where it gained back some credibility. List of research>ref ref