Grape Seed Extract

Loss of Skin elasticity is one sign that indicates ageing. Holding on to elasticity is vital for body integrity. Skin is just the part of elasticity that can be seen. Inside the body there are many areas where elasticity factors are paramount. Elastic artery vessel walls are critical to heart health and maintaining healthy blood pressure. There are 2 components to elasticity. Collagen fibers and elastin fibers intercross to provide this elasticity. Preserving these fibers is an important part of healthful living. Like many body processes, tearing down the old collagen so new can be built in it's place is a normal method to maintain integrity. There are at least 2 enzymes involved that breakdown these fibers. So, the issue is to control and maintain a normal rate of renewal. But, there are situations where the rebuild does not keep pace with the tear down and skin is reduced in thickness prematurely. Smoking increases this rate. The assault on the body by the elements in smoke, regardless of source, use up vitamin C, a necessary part ot the rebuild of these collagen and elastin fibers. Plus, any nutrients that control these enzymes also promotes skin integrity and longevity. Grape Seed Extract contains a family of elements called OPC's that have important actions in this area, plus are involved in many other conditions as well. The next link contains numerous references for OPC's and gives the conditions that research has explored: Symptoms Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) Natural, Alternative 21765
Grape Seed Extract Benefits Blood Pressure and Cholesterol - University Health News Talks about how OPC's from grape seed extract lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Preventing LDL oxidation is vital to protecting arteries against damage. Cholesterol is found involved with LDL and HDL particles. OPC's protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Small particle LDL that oxidize can get trapped in artery vessel walls and this adds to plaque build up.
Many food extracts contain OPC's but most supplements use either grape seed or pine bark extracts. Because grape plants are smaller and can be tented for testing, more analysis has been worked on grape seed OPC content, but the pine bark source companies have out spent the grape seed companies on research and marketing. Grape seed extract contains one more gallic ester, but other than that, they are very similar.
Research is ongoing for OPC's and greater influences should be found in the future. Right now, mainly associations are known awaiting verification of cause and effect. The most verified conditions for OPC's are for helping in the treatment of venous insufficiency, pain and blood pooling in legs, and also edema after injury or surgery. Grape seed | University of Maryland Medical Center
Two sides of the OPC coin - Skin Healing
Nutrients can have functions in different body areas or at different stages that are seemingly opposite to each other. While OPC's participate in protecting collagen breakdown in one area, such as in the skin, in another process, wound healing, they also have a function that limits collagen over production. ref While wound healing needs collagen to heal the wound, the OPC's help regulate the production level of collagen so such conditions as over collagen production induced scar tissue does not build up in the final stages of wound healing. ref
Limiting scar tissue formation in wounds is paramount to proper wound healing and future skin elasticity and strength. ref <Long references but very significant information on wound healing.