What are JunkFood Vitamins?
First, here is one definition of junk foods. Foods that have high amounts of calories from either sugar and/or fat, coupled with low amounts of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers, and other phytonutrients. These foods are sometimes called empty calorie foods. They often also have ecessive amount of sodium.
Surely this definition does not apply to vitamins. So, next is the definition that does apply. JunkFood Vitamins provide vitamins in less than ideal formats and at the least desirable dosages, plus they are missing synergistic nutirents necessary for optimal health benefits.
Picture of a JunkFood ViTAMINS (FYI: They look just like healthy vitamins)
Many Vitamins and minerals come in different formats. Calcium probably has over a dozen different formats, such as calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate, calcium amino acid chelate. These are minerals combined with an acid. The calcium part is exactly the same. It is the solubility factors that are different. Some acids form stronger bonds with calcium, like carbonate over citrate. It takes the body more energy to release the calcium from carbonate that citrate. Calcium carbonate needs stomach acid to help.
Dosages are very important in supplements and the trend lately is to provide more and more up to mega dosages. In food, vitamins and minerals are sparely distributed. Plus, foods contain many other elements like fibers, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates which further buffers and slows down the digestive process for greater efficiency. This allows the body greater opportunities to properly process nutrients to maximize digestion, absorption, and assimilation. Since Supplements are very concentrated, the body has some challenges to maintain these proper digestion processes. Simply, the body does not have unlimited spaces for the digestive processes when such large amounts of vitamins come in at once. With higher dosages, a larger percentage is eliminated without getting absorbed.
Nutrient on Nutrient Interference
Synthetic vitamin E can block out natural vitamin E members from food at receptor sites. Higher amounts of both natural and synthetic Vitamin E blocks out some of the other fat soluble vitamins, like vitamin K and the other seven vitamin E family members. Larger amounts of Calcium may block out other minerals like phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Unfortunately, some natural food sources used as nutrient providers also contain toxic heavy metals. Rice protein is one such source. Organic foods is another. Testing is vital before releasing finished products to the Public.
Synergistic Nutrients
This may be the most vital aspect of this junkfood vitamins article. 95% of Multi-Vitamins only contain one out of eight vitamin E family members. While there are some reasons for this, they are flawed.
Vitamin D has a vital link to vitamin K2 for bone growtih. Vitamin D does not work without the support of vitamin K2. Very few Multi-Vitamins have vitamin K2. The body has to hope some vitamin K1 will get converted into K2, or favorable bacteria are present in the intestinal tract to build some k2 and it gets absorbed.
Magnesium and Calcium and Phosphorus are also tied at the hip. Magnesium opens the cell doors for calcium. Calcium needs to combine with a form of phosphorus to build calcium phosphate before building bones.
More to come.
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