Skin Melanoma and supplements

Melanoma is exploding. Doubling evey 10 years.
Melanoma is very serious. Know and watch for these signs. ref
CAUTION: See your doctor immediately if you have any of these signs of skin spot events.
The earlier skin cancer is found, there is a better chance for healing.
Are there alternative supplements that can support mainstream medical treatments? Yes! And surprisingly, there is quite a lot of science research here as well.
First, a primer on cancer to ponder. After most cancer treatments, while the cancer cells are destroyed, the immune system cells have also been damaged and need to be built back up to prevent the return of the cancer cells. This takes time. If a person free of cancer after treatment goes back to the same lifestyle and diet as before, there is a very high probability that the cancer will return, especially with melanoma.
What is myricetin? And does it help prevent skin cancer? ref Nature provides prevention. Eat more berries, fruits, and vegetables. Both teas and herbs contain myricetin, a flavonol. See other sources here. There are many different flavonols in foods. Here is one avenue from which they may prevent cancer, as well as other disease conditions. ref There are supplements that contain flavonols like quercetin. ref But always best to eat as many foods with these elements in case there are synergistic actions from other compounds also needed. ref
Some supplements add plant powders or fruit juice powers in capsules to gain value, but the amounts are usually very small and best to just eat some fruits and vegetables with them to gain any extra benefit.
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