CKD or Chronic Kidney Disease

The latest research on Kidney disease is looking at bone health. Not really that strange when you know the logic. There is a relationship with calcification in bone and calcification in blood vessel walls and soft tissues, especially in Kidneys. This calcification hinders the function of the delicate filtering tubes inside the Kidneys. ref
This warrants a closer inspection. Since the Kidneys control mineral elimination or retention, dietary mineral intake is heavily involved. Too much phosphorus begins getting trapped. ref
This further influences calcium behavior. Vitamin D on PTH plays a role. Did you notice that too much vitamin D to regulate PTH starts to reduce phosphorus elimination even more, plus increase calcium absorption as well. ref
A preventative approach is needed long before the Kidneys reveal damage. Overview
Vitamin K2 as MK7 on CKD
Since vascular calcification is associated with CKD, there is an assumption that the delicate tubes in the Kidneys might be getting calcified as well. Vitamin K2 activates a Matrix GLA protein to prevent calcium from depositing in artery walls. ref Animal and some test tube studies show vitamin K2 is effective while K1 is limited, but so far human studies have been rather inconsistent. ref It is not a nutrient that can be patented so little money is going into research.
The small studies to date are showing very positive results, but only a few are published. This limits their scientific validity or weight to influence treatment protocols. The health of the Kidneys is not something to take lightly. Vitamin K2 as Natto source MK-7 supplemented at 50-100 mcg could prove powerfully preventive for healthy bones, arteries, and for Kidneys and other soft tissues protected from calcification. ref Reference from before, look at amounts supplemented (135-360) and time frame, 6 weeks, plus change in carboxylated percentage up to 77 from amount 135 mcg.
The 77% may actually be a little too high for another function of carboxylated proteins, namely blood sugar control. Thus, a daily supplement of MK-7 at 45 mcg daily or 90 mcg every other day might be good for preventative control. Remember this test was in people already low and with CKD. Maybe best to take 90 everyday for 1-2 weeks and then every other day, even 3 a week should be OK according to time lasting in body of 3 days for MK-7. Vitamin K2 as MK-4 only lasts 8 hours so much greater amounts are needed.
CAUTION: Be sure to tell your Doctor if you are taking vitamin K and what form and dosage. Blood thinners can be effected as clotting mechanisms are involved.
A rather unique form of Kidney disease involves the formation of liquid-filled sacs in the Kidneys called polycystic kidney disease, PKD. These cystic sacs mainly have genetic links but can be modifed by a dietary protocol. Over time, these liquid sacs may become calcified and eventually could turn cancerous. For more information, see reference.
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