Protein Powders

When Is there a need for extra dietary protein?
- Body builders looking to quickly add muscle size
- Extra protein is used to replace fats and carbohydrates for weight loss
- Extra protein is added to prevent muscle loss during the ageing process
- To maintain muscle mass during illness recovery or after surgery
- There is also need for some extra protein the last 2 trimesters of pregnancy
- Egg Protein
- Milk Solids Protein (Casein)
- Milk liquid proteins (Whey)
- Soy Protein
- Beef Protein
- Brown Rice Protein
- Pea Protein
- Liver and Yeast Protein
- Hemp Protein
- Sunflower (seeds) Protein
- Nut butter Proteins
- Grain proteins
Liver and Brewers Yeast were the first protein supplements. Then Milk, Whey, and Soy became dominate. Whey quickly gained superior status. Soy protein issues became controversial, and lately as animal disease issues rose up, plant proteins gained popularity.
What are the Different Protein Types and Forms?
- Concentrates
- Isolates
- Hydrolyzed
- All the sources have issues that need clarification
- Some sources and formats require different levels of processing
- Some forms like concentrates are the leasted processed while the isolates need more
- Cleaner sources like non-GMO and Organic produce healthier finished produces
To be continued
some body builders exhibited Liver and Kidney damages
bone loss was found to increase
onsuming animal forms of extra protein might have increased pH into the acid range for those without enough dietary alkaline minerals to balance.
increase the need for body processes to withdraw these minerals out of bones.
Plant source proteins put less stress on pH change than animal sources. Another reason to eat vegetables.
Also unknown until recently, a high protein diet, more so from animal than plant protein sources, can upset the intestinal tract microbial balance and tip it toward undesirable bacterial types. Again this might be from a pH or acid alkaline balance modification. Animal protein sources contain sulfur, an acid producing mineral, while plant protein sources do not. Animal sources of proteins were mainly used since they contain the complete amino acid profile while plant sources do not. Mixing two or three plant sources together gets closer to complete. Plant proteins are low in the sulfur containing amino acids, the building blocks of protein.
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