Analysis of Foodform Support Study

Taken at face value, the charts and graphs for the foodform vitamins look very impressive. Most people are quite convinced after reading them that foodform vitamins are much better than USP synthetic vitamins. As indeed they might be. It is just that the studies have some flaws showing more of an apples to oranges comparison.
Looking at the following chart on growing animals gives an impressive growth advantage to foodform vitamins versus USP vitamins. But a realistic look at just what the animals were consuming tells a slightly different story.
Foodform vitamins contain a lot of food material with the vitamins. In fact up to 3/4 of a capsule or tablet of food form vitamins is food. The USP vitamin animal group did not get this extra food. This food difference most likely was responsible for generating the animals growth since vitamins are not part of the growth material anyway. It was not a fair test for the vitamin differences. The disturbing part is that the scientists knew this would generate a profound difference. A true test would have included an equal amount of food with the USP vitamins to eliminate the influence the extra food would create.
Measuring the blood levels between the animals in the different groups would have been the real test of foodform vitamin extra influence.
Other foodform research studies unfortunately are designed with many similar flaws. They all favor the foodform vitamins. Have you ever seem foodform vitamins compared against real food vitamins?
Researchers are getting very clever at designing studies to favor a pre-conceived concept. While it is difficult to comprehend how a scientist could compromise scientific principles, it happens far to often. The true test comes when an independent third party not paid by the foodform vitamin company verifies the results. All too often, the degree of benefits are drastically reduced in these independent studies compared to the company sponsored research, an all too obvious indication of favored biases.
Scientific Proof for Vitamin B1 Food Form Nutrient???
This reference scientific abstract is presented to show that yeast cells have the ability to change a synthetic form of thiamine into a more natural form or compound, thiamine diphosphate, a feat that humans also exhibit since Beriberi was eliminated giving synthetic B1. This example is given to show pathways for the yeast cells to change an outside source of thiamine, assumes a synthetic will also work, into the natural useful forms, thiamine pyrophosphate and thiamine diphosphate.
NOTICE: Did you notice in the above reference that first the yeast cell separates the thiamine to its free isolated form....? This also happens in humans too. So, what does this imply for the complex food forms of vitamins that the foodform vitamin companies go to such great lengths to create...? YES! they also break apart into an isolated vitamin form in the human digestive system.
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