Acrylamides and Cancer

While not on vitamins, this is still timely. According to research found by the NCI, Natural Cancer Institute, cooking foods especially at high heat like french fries, generates acrylamides. Acrylamides have been found to cause cancer in animal studies. Human studies did not find an association at first, but now and especially from studies in Europe, the NCI has found significant research linking acrylamides to some human cancers. ref Below is a paragraph from another recent NCI report :
"To avoid such limitations in accurately determining acrylamide exposure, biomarkers of exposure were recently used in a Danish cohort study designed to evaluate the subsequent risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women (20). Among women with higher levels of acrylamide bound to the hemoglobin in their blood, there was a statistically significant increase in risk of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. This finding suggests an endocrine hormone-related effect, which would be consistent with the results of a questionnaire-based cohort study in the Netherlands that found an excess of endometrial and ovarian cancer—but not of postmenopausal breast cancer—associated with higher levels of acrylamide exposure (21). Another cohort study from the Netherlands suggested a positive association between dietary acrylamide and the risk of renal cell cancer, but not of prostate or bladder cancer (22)."
RAW foods of course do not form acrylamides. It is not known yet the level of influence. Best to not eat fried foods to limit your acrylamide intake. Baked foods may have some. More as reports merit. Check out effects of acrylamides on brain nerve cells. ref
OF INTEREST: A study of the effects of a high fat meal, like the ones available at many fast food outlets, on artery walls revealed an interesting result. After the high fat meal, the walls of arteries turned a bright reddish color, possibly reflecting an increased inflammatory state. If the supplements vitamin C 500 mg and vitamin E 400 IUs were taken with or just after the meal, the walls remained their natural pinkish color. This most likely was the influence of anti-oxidant activity from the vitamins.
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