Vitamin E Family

- This post was moved, changed, renamed, and is now located here, Real Vitamin E
Vitamin Workshop concepts in a Nutshell
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Check out What's New for the latest health vitamin connections.
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Vitamin Cautions Explained
Precautions exist for Folic Acid, Selenium, Calcium, Zinc, Beta Carotene, Vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, & E. Why there are so many DESIGN FLAWS in multi-vitamin formulas may be a mystery to some, but after discovering the new vitamin reality presented on this website, the mystery will disappear.
Have you heard this before?
New large study research found an association between higher vitamin B6 (>35mg) and B12 (>20 mcg) intakes with 50% increased risk of hip fractures. article The reason is unknown, but theories are offered! ref
Plants and trees take in CO2 from the atmosphere to help growth. As CO2 levels increase from the burning of fossil fuels, volcano eruptions, ocean water temperature changes, and melting permafrost, plants and trees have been busy growing faster and larger. In fact this fun fact has lead to the re-greening of many non plant areas of the planet. NASA over the last decade has been measuring this effect from satellites in space taking pictures. article
So far, this re-greening has impacted an area twice the size of the continental United States with new plant and tree coverage. This will significantly slow down any climate changes as this new green area growth will absorb quite a lot of future CO2 emissions. This gives Nations more time to make and implement non CO2 energy changes. article
The Sun is due to flip poles within a year. Have to wait and see what the effects will be from the increased release of electromagnetic energy coupled with this event. Were the Northern Lights showing up in lower altitudes recently a beginning? article
These are the Vitamin issues that set the stage for many of the novel concepts explored on this website. Learning about these issues first helps make sense of the rest of the new vitamin concepts to come. It then is a natural progression of steps to see why more than 95% of vitamin supplements today have flaws. This website is simply about overcoming these flaws to maximize health benefits. This is not easy to accomplish. It is going to be difficult to overcome decades of mis-information imprinting, but this new vitamin reality needs exposure to shine in the Public spectrum.
Setting the stage:
These flaws are not always due to sinister deviations in supplements like between some natural and synthetic vitamins, but are often just consequences of normal physiology, especially absorption, breakdown, elimination, plus body levels and functions of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin supplements differ from food sources since they are very concentrated and leave out buffer elements like fibers, proteins, and fats. Take lower dose vitamins and minerals with food to limit any potential adverse effects. While studies of vitamins in food exhibit many positive health associations, concentrated vitamin supplement research sometimes discovers adverse actions along with benefits.
Addressed in this section are some of the potential adverse vitamin supplement issues that need to be resolved so corrective vitamin solutions gain significance and become consumer main choices. The issues relating to vitamins for health involve around these aspects; Formulas, dosages, absorption, assimilation, synergistic actions, load impacts, participation levels, and interference. In certain situations, vitamins can block or crowd out other nutrients for docking assignments, hinder carrier attachments, or interfere in metabolic pathways. Many of these issues are responsible for food nutrients often exhibiting benefits while isolated supplements might show inconsistencies. The Scientific community appears split on many of these issues with Dieticians and Nutritionists completely ignoring vital research connections. Find out which ones in the articles on this website.
The body uses many of the above mentioned aspects as protective mechanisms to maintain the normal state of homeostasis. This means the body has to balance and juggle the intake of nutrients, that often radically vary day to day and week to week, to meet the daily demands of body cells, tissues, and organs. And it usually does a pretty miraculous job since it has numerous coping abilities. But, these mechanisms were designed to work with the nutrients in foods.
NOW! How do vitamin supplements impact these time tested body coping mechanisms?
Health Professional education and accepted vitamin "facts" are not set in stone. They are and should always have been a work in progress to verify. Too often vitamin advice is more of a band-aid than a cure, and suffers greatly from the tunnel vision concept. Science and Nature should work together rather than at odds. Anyway, NATURE usually wins out. See the Big picture of health (article) and especially read this article - Profound Health.
Can vitamins quickly impact body functions? Or are changes manifested slowly over time?
BOTH. By their nature, water soluble vitamins have quick actions on body functions. But, usually there are no outward signs of these quick actions unless a deficiency is present. Correcting levels with supplemental vitamins can elicit a rather quick response to normalize functions, either preventative or recovery. Fat soluble vitamins are slower acting and build up over time. With Minerals, only some offer quick responses, like zinc and iron. But, care must be exercised since excessive or toxic amounts of minerals will manifest over time into a detrimental response. Elimination of intake allows the body to recover, but if enough time has elapsed, structural damage might be present.
A report on PBS and Frontline January 19, 2016 talks about adverse effects of supplements, especially diet and weight loss products often used and abused by young people (ref) and also dosage shortages of omega fish oils and possible rancidity. ref Here is the Frontline article> ref Copied below to prevent loss of article reference since NY Times now charging to see.
As readers of this website, you already would have known about these issues with the safety precautions to effectively negate. And you would have learned the proper Vitamin D dosage protocols to safeguard your health.
Vitamin supplements can be effectively and safely used only when the proper education is gained.
The fact that some vitamin manufactures cut corners on quality is nothing new. Overall, about 15% of particular nutrients in supplement form will exhibit some degree of dosage or form problem.
There are honest companies attempting to follow ethical standards as much as feasible given the current state of vitamin science, raw material standards, and worldwide pollution. Constant testing is mandated.
These attributes are not always reflected on labels. That is why this website exists. But it is just a beginning source limited by what science has tested and measured. Still far too many gaps in knowledge.
Marketing rhetoric, biased pseudo Professionals, and flat out faulty vitamin concepts still prevail and stand in the way of your Good Health.
1. CHIPOTLE restaurant is suffering numerous bacterial contamination situations, largely due to their admirable methods attempting to offer more natural foods using local smaller suppliers and not over cooking foods. But perhaps, one major aspect is the sanitation of workers. Generally, diversity of people from many cultures beings out different standards of cleanliness. Also, people form different parts of the World exhibit different bacteria stains in their bodies. While these might adjust to neutralize over time, these differences can introduce new bacteria into the situation requiring constant monitoring. We have already seen unique diseases start to surface from the influx of undocumented young people from Central America.
2. Another current issue showing up is linked to the possible contamination of Garden of Life's Raw Meal powders. So far, 11 people are sick with salmonella, 10 of whom consumed GOL's Raw Meal the week before. Two states, Utah and Oregon, have tested the GOL products the sick people consumed and found salmonella bacteria. Time will tell if more find this same result and unfortunately, if more people will get sick. This website put GOL at the bottom of quality issues some time ago. They are more of a marketing company than a product quality company.
GOL started out promoting many SBO's standing for soil bacteria organisms. Today, only one SBO is still in their products. What happened to change this scenario if these organisms were so beneficial? And why is the remaining bacteria, Bacillus Subtilis, which is widely used for valuable industrial uses, found associated with infections in many parts of the body? This does not mean cause and effect, just an association that is problematic by itself. SBO's are not native to the human intestinal tract. While they may have some beneficial actions, these actions can be obtained from the bacteria named lactobacilus which are native to the human intestinal tract. SBO bacteria are known as spore-formers. Some spore-formers are quite famous and dangerous, like anthrax. While the SBO in GOL products are not part of this dangerous aspect and have valuable uses in raising farm animals, they exhibit some usual traits that warrant further study. In the spore form, they can enter the body from the intestinal tract. Once in the body, they can turn back into the active state. Not much is known yet about any possible results. Best not to consume. SBO are sometimes consumed with raw foods, but quickly pass through the intestinal tract.
NOTE: one Renew Life infant probiotic, Ultimate Flora Kid's Probiotic 1 billion, contains the SBO, Bacillus coagulens. Best to stay away until complete research validates safety. This strain is used because it is very stable in the spore form, but hardly a justifiable reason to add to formula or consume. Yes, the FDA has put it on the GRAS list, generally recognized as safe, but can the FDA be trusted since they also found GMO's safe, and artificial sweeteners, and hormones in meat, etc?
FRONTLINE on Fish Oil Safety
Below is COPY (July 2022) of Frontline article that is now in archive file and may soon be deleted. This is decription of what video contained about fish oil safety.
The correspondent Gillian Findlay investigates the scientific claims about fish oil, a popular supplement, in an exclusive video by the PBS series “Frontline” in collaboration with The New York Times.
By FRONTLINE on Publish Date January 19, 2016. Photo by PBS Frontline.Americans spend an estimated $1.3 billion on fish oil products every year, making them one of the most commonly consumed dietary supplements in the country.
But do you know what’s in your fish oil?
A new documentary, “Supplements and Safety,” pulls back the curtain on some of America’s most popular supplements, and it suggests that many people who buy them may not be getting what they are paying for. The program, airing on the PBS investigative series “Frontline” on Tuesday night, is a collaboration between “Frontline,” The New York Times and The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
The program examines the widespread use of potent vitamins, herbs, fish oil and fat-burning supplements. Millions of Americans use these products safely every year. But researchers have found that in many cases they can cause unexpected side effects. And because dietary supplements are largely unregulated by the federal government, adulteration and contamination are common, experts say.
The Frontline documentary investigates large outbreaks of disease tied to tainted vitamins and fat-burning supplements, including one case in which a workout supplement was linked to more than 70 cases of liver damage. The company whose products were at the center of that outbreak, USPlabs, is among 117 companies and individuals that the Justice Department filed criminal and civil enforcement actions against last year.
The “Frontline” program follows doctors, patients, industry experts and regulators to uncover the root of these outbreaks. It looks at whether the widespread use of vitamin D and other popular vitamins that are commonly sold and taken in high doses can do more harm than good. One that it focuses on is fish oil, the third most popular supplement in America, which is used by at least one in 10 adults.
Despite their popularity, some studies have found that roughly three-quarters of fish oil supplements on the market do not contain the amount of omega-3 fatty acids advertised on their labels. Some have also found that fish oil supplements are prone to becoming rancid.
Fish oil supplements are widely marketed as beneficial to cardiovascular health. But the film points out that such claims are debatable at best. A majority of clinical trials have found no evidence that they protect against heart disease, according to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2014.
“I think for cardiovascular disease, one has to say that there is no compelling evidence that taking fish oils protects against a first heart attack or a second heart attack,” Andrew Grey, the author of the JAMA study and an associate professor of medicine at the University of Auckland, says in the “Frontline” report. “So people who are advised to do that or are doing it are wasting their time and their money.”
Proponents of fish oil supplements argue that omega-3 fatty acids are essential for heart function and promote overall health. Experts say there is no doubt about that. But there is no clinical evidence that taking high doses in supplement form is beneficial for most people.
To learn more about the debate over fish oil, vitamins and herbal supplements, watch “Supplements and Safety” at 10 p.m. Eastern on PBS stations on Tuesday, Jan. 19" (End of Frontline article)
There is far too often a mentality to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire with vitamin dosages.
Vitamin K, as many vitamins can, represents an excellent example of this principle. First, vitamin K activates or builds proteins to participate in coagulating blood, especially when injured or cut. The body adapts this mechanism to deal with a wide variation in vitamin K levels. This issue will be discussed below with vitamin E influence. The issue here is with some other functions of vitamin K.
Vitamin K is involved in activating a vitamin D built protein called Osteocalcin. One of the functions of this protein is to bind calcium into bone mineral crystals. For this function to progress, vitamin K is needed to activate, or carboylate osteocalcin. ref At any one time in the blood, some osteocalcin is carboxylated by vitamin K and some is not. ref Doctors have for quite some time been measuring the amount of osteocalcin that is carboxylated to represent bone building activity, but never mentioned what they were really testing was vitamin K activity level.
Osteocalcin forms are also involved in blood sugar control, insulin production by beta cells, as well as immune system activation against certain cancers. Research found that in test tube studies, the different forms of osteocalcin showed opposite actions on prostate cancer growth. The proper balance is needed to limit cancer growth.
NOTE: Studies looking at the association between blood sugar control and vitamin K have to also check the ratio of cOC to ucOC in subjects since it is this balance that really regulates glucose insulin in blood and not vitamin K directly. Studies that do not could and have arrived at nil or opposite results.
Another important function for vitamin K is to activate proteins in the arteries called matrix GLA that function to limit calcium build up in the artery wall. Please read this Cardiologist blog on K2. ref
Seems logical to just load up on vitamin K if heart health or bone density are issues. But it is not that easy. Vitamin K comes in 3 forms, K1, K2 as MK4, and K2 as MK7. Plus, subforms of each also exist as cis and all-trans forms, just like beta carotene. All vitamin K forms function to build coagulation proteins, but only K2 appears to do the other functions. Since MK4 only has a short shelf life in the body, about 8 hours, large dosages are needed, while MK7 stays active in the body for 3 days, and thus very low dosages will suffice. Some vitamin K1 from dietary greens converts into K2 as MK4 in the body to help build bone, plus provide another vital function of carboxylated osteocalcin, directing, ref , the regulation of blood sugar levels controlling insulin resistance. ref The exact amount of vitamin K and the ideal form or forms to supplement that are most effective to maintain all functions optimally is still under study, and it should be a high priority. But, evidently, it is not judged by the lack of quality research. This new 2022 study has great insights about vitamin K and who should especially consume it. ref Odd that so much research comes out of Europe rather than the USA.
CAUTION: Most research on Osteocalcin (OC) occurs with mice. Osteocalcin is involved in bone building and in preventing the bone building process occurring in soft tissues where it should not happen. Early results from these mouse studies provided theories for later human testing. BUT, the human testing revealed vast differences in how the involved elements functioned. Osteocalcin was found to form at least 12 different forms. The two major forms are the un-caboxylated (unOC, GluOC) and the vitamin K carboxylated (cOC, or GlaOC). In mouse studies, the unOC form regulated blood sugar while in humans it appears that the cOC may be the active form. Very confusing since most scientific articles talk about the mouse study results like they apply to humans. The human issue is not yet completely solved as disease states can also influence OC levels. ref
CRITICAL: Now another issue has surfaced. It was discovered that bone issues are involved with prostate cancer. Bone is more than just a structure for support. It is also a regulator of immune functions. OC appears to have hormone functions in these areas as well. A study found that a balance was needed between unOC and cOC. The OC form unOC inhibited prostate cancer cell growth while cOC promoted. ref While the two forms overlap some in these areas, the exact roles and ratios between the two forms that is needed to control and normalize prostate cell growth is still unknown. This is very new. While this finding is from a test tube study on prostate cancer cell lines, it highlights the balanced approach needed to optimize vitamin functions for maximum health maintenance. Even beneficial nutrients for one function, like vitamin K on bone, have to be evaluated for other functions like K on artery calcification inhibition and prostate cell growth regulation.
For more information on vitamin K, read this article. For a Doctor's take. <Caution, this Doctor is associated with selling products described.
Vitamin D presents another example of a nutrient with many of these vitamin issues.
The precautionary approach takes front seat for vitamin K as well as vitamin D. Better to error slightly on the low side rather than go too high. The new vitamin criteria mentions it might be prudent to take vitamin K2 as MK7 at 45 or 90 mcg every day for about 10 days, and then just every other day or even every third day for the 90 mcg size, unless under medical care. Since both forms of Osteocalcin, unOC and cOC, are involved in many functions, the exact ratio between the two for proper actions in all functions is still to be determined. Check foods consumed for dietary amounts to get an idea for supplement amounts or even if supplements are needed at all. Your intestinal bacteria make some vitamin K2. Another reason to feed these little bugs the right foods that they like. article
There are processes that can convert vitamin K into different forms. In foods that contain partially hydrogenated fats, another term for trans-fats, another form of vitamin K is often produced by the hydrogenation process. This form is called dihydrophylloquinone. Consuming foods with this vitamin K form increase dihydrophylloqinone levels in the body and have become associated with low bone density. ref ref
FYI VITAL: New joint study out of USA and China found higher K2 as MK form was associated with slightly higher risk and mortality of breast cancers. ref This needs immediate verification. If MK was just from food, were the foods in any way a factor. MK form of vitamin K2 foods include cheeses, meats, butter, etc. Would using a low dose K2 as MK7 from natto or chickpeas bypas this risk and still give bone and blood sugar control???
About Trans Fats
It could be that this unique form of vitamin K interferes with the actions of the regular vitamin K form for building strong bones. Research indeed does reveal lower levels of regular vitamin K in tissues when dihydrophylloquione vitamin K form is present.
OF INTEREST: A remarkable aspect of this research is that there appears to be a lack of follow up studies to either verify or negate the findings, or expand on the significance and consequences of lower bone density related to this vitamin K metabolite presence. Here* is one many years later. This article simplifies the issue. Dihydrophylloquinone is ONLY found in foods with partially hydrogenated fats.There may be a another direction to look for related research following Trans Fat links to bone health.
* This study is rather interesting in comparing canola oil, to regular soy oil versus hydrogenated soy oil on a particular bone marker. This marker is found in greater amounts when vitamin K2 is deficient. Even though the results showed increased bone growth, the ectopic bone that is formed is not a desirable bone process and leads to increased cardiovascular disease. ref Ectopic bone formation after hip surgery is a result of lack of motion early enough to overcome the ectopic bone formation process. ref
NOTE on Trans versus Cis forms of MK7
Vitamin K2 exists in many forms throughout the animal kingdom. In Humans, vitamin K2 has two significant forms, MK4, and MK7. In the body, MK4 is the dominate K2 form found and it is naturally produced from K1 by intestinal bacteria. MK7 is found in fermented soy food called natto and in fermented cheeses. ref MK4 is also found in meats and dairy. Plus, these forms also exist in the Cis form and the Trans form. You will see mentioned that the Trans form is the only active form. This is simple not true. The Cis form of MK7 does has some activity, but not nealy as much as the Trans form. ref It is the opinion of this author that Mother Nature may have a special plan for putting some Cis in with a lot of Trans MK7 form in foods. The Cis form might serve a balancing effect to not let the Trans form overcook the carboxylation of certain proteins. This is similar to how the two forms of vitamin D behave.
VITAMIN K, Vitamin E, and Coagulation
Since Vitamin E and Vitamin K have similar compositions, with nearly identical side structures, they can block out one another for some processes that impact the side structures. Supplement protocols need to consider both nutrients when determining dosages to limit any interference. Consuming at separate meals will help eliminate this interference as well. Vitamin E as only alpha tocopherol is supplemented more than vitamin K
. Thus, the influence of vitamin E blocking out vitamin K absorption is well documented by research and deserves more study. New discoveries now know that vitamin E also can interfere with the vitamin K function of activating proteins to be used in the coagulation process.