the Vitamin Quiz

An entertaining way to learn about new vitamin research. Science marches onward in gaining new vitamin knowledge,
yet the consuming Public is falling further behind in learning about these new vitamin facts. Far too many Nutritionists and Health Professionals are recommending outdated and potentially adverse vitamin and mineral advice. Plus only a handful of vitamin companies are updating formulas to take advantage of this new science. This failure gains in significance as the reality sets in that a few of these flaws may compromise health in critical ways, especially long term.
(Answers below)
1. At the first sign of a head cold, does it help to start taking vitamin D?
2. Pick the supplements with the best results for preventing bone fractures?
- Calcium & Vitamin D
- Potassium & Vitamin C
- Phosphorus & Vitamin A
- Magnesium & Vitamin K2
- All of the above
- Some of the above
3. The major influence(s) of vitamin C on colds is to…
- Reduce the number of colds
- Reduce the severity of cold symptoms
- Reduce the duration of colds
- Prevent colds
- All of the above
- Some of the above
4. What was the result on colds for Seniors who took multiple vitamins that included the antioxidant vitamins A, C, D, E, Zinc, & Selenium?
- Prevented colds,
- Shorten duration of colds
- Reduced severity of symptoms
- Colds lasted longer
5. Which causes nerve damage? A deficiency of vitamin B6, or an excess?
6. How does increasing the amount of calcium consumed at one time influence absorption and assimilation percentage? a. absorption percent also increases, b. does not change, c. Percent is reduced as calcium amount increases
7. Has Folic acid become associated with decreased or increased colon cancer rates?
8. Do vitamins K1 and K2 have the same general functions?
9. The US Government found that one of the 8 vitamin E forms in food exhibited most of the actions, and only this form was allowed to be called Vitamin E. Science has now discovered that the other 7 forms have unique functions different from the one picked vitamin E form, d'alpha tocopherol. Which functions does vitamin E as alpha tocopherol NOT perform while some of the other natural E family members do achieve?
a. neutralize nitrogen radicals, b. neutralize oxygen radicals, c. lower cholesterol, d. prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol, e. protects fats in cell membrane, f. activate immune cells during disease, g. inhibits cancer growth independent of antioxidant activity, h. protects nerve cells,
Would this knowledge mean that all past research using only the one form needs to be reworked using a mixture of all natural forms?
10. Synthetic vitamin E is equal to what percent of the natural vitamin E form? 80%, 66%, 50%, or 34%?
11. What determines the absorption percentage of calcium out of food or supplements? a. Bone density. b. Calcium blood level. c. Stomach acid amount d. Protein content of meal d. Magnesium amount in meal e. Phosphorous amount in meal and already in body f. Vitamin D level in body g. The calcium complex form in food or supplement. article
12. Can you generate excessively high vitamin D levels from being in the sun too long?
13. Is it necessary to consume all vitamins every day?
14. The "B" complex vitamins are water soluble and get excreted out of the body rather quickly. Thus, they are safe in any amount and it is not possible to take large enough amounts for adverse effects. T or F?
15. Which vitamin(s) does Cancer hijack to help tumor cells grow faster? a. Vitamin A, b. Vitamin B1, c. Folic Acid, d. Vitamin E ref, e. Vitamin D, article f. Vitamin B6. article g. All of the above, h. Some of the above
16. When is CoQ10 as ubiquinol (QH-reduced form) preferred over ubiquinone (oxidized form)? a. when exercising, b. when sick, c. if over 50, or d. if digestion compromised
17. The functions for the active vitamin D form does NOT include this one: A. Increases absorption of calcium from food. B. Prevents calcium excretion out of body. C. Dissolves bone tissue. D. Stimulates production of new bone building cells. E. Lowers risk for certain cancers, F. Increases calcium content in blood, G. Increases intestinal absorption of heavy metals, H. Helps prevent colds and flu. I. Lowers diabetes risk by helping regulate blood sugar. J. Promotes mineral build up in bones, K. Limits the mineralization of bones.
Answers here plus support and follow up can be found in numerous articles on this website or through links.
1. NO, one needs to have taken vitamin D for a period of time before it gives benefits. It takes 3 months to reach the peak increase from a constant dosage. There are 2 main areas of action where vitamin D works. Remember it is the active hormone form that does the work. The storage form, the one measured by blood tests, is more of a base material for the body to later build into the hormone form when blood calcium levels fall. The short lived hormone form works in the blood and can also be built right in many cells and tissues from the storage form. Storage form levels have to be maintained within certain levels to fulfill this cellular function that protects cells, tissues, and organs even when blood levels of hormone vitamin D are low. This is a vital piece of the puzzle. If the storage form levels get too high, they can interfere with the actions of the hormone form when it is needed. BOTH TOO LOW AND TOO HIGH vitamin D LEVELS can EXHIBIT ADVERSE EFFECTS.
2. (4,2,1,3, but 5 & 6 could be appropriate as well. Here is why) All four of these groups play necessary functions for bone health. Thus, the correct answer will vary for different people. The most correct answer is the one containing the nutrients that correct the greatest level of deficiency. And it often is not Calcium & Vitamin D. Potassium heads the list of most deficient, but magnesium is often the one with the most benefits when increased. Magnesium is also one of the most difficult minerals to measure since it has different levels in blood versus cells and tissues. It is needed for the active conversion of vitamin D. Vitamins K and D are not far behind and are linked together. Vitamin K2 is needed to activate vitamin D produced osteocalcin before it combines calcium and phosphorus together into hydroxyapatite crystals which then get deposited into bone. Hard to believe but Calcium just might be last on the influence list. There are many actions that control calcium levels, with blood levels more important than bone density. Plus, many foods are now fortified with calcium which during digestion will impact the absorption of other needed bone minerals. The body has very adaptive mechanisms to deal with various amounts of dietary calcium (from 300 mg up to 1,200 mg per day). The body does not enjoy such wide adaptations for potassium and magnesium, both of which are often deficient. Potassium spares calcium when it is used to neutralize body acids instead of taking calcium out of bones for this purpose. Magnesium works to regulate and control calcium functions. Magnesium opens the cell doors so calcium can rush in to generate nerve and muscle actions.
3. Vitamin C does all of these. But, for the general public, it appears to not be that efficient at preventing colds or reducing the number of colds. These aspects are more for elite athletes who had a 50% reduction in colds by taking 200 milligrams or more daily. The reduction in symptoms is only a small degree and the reduced duration may only be half a day out of 5 days. Vitamin C effects might be predicated on body levels before supplements. Thus, probably there are better nutrients to take for battling colds with more bang for the buck. Vitamin C does work against colds though, just not very effectively in most people, unless they are severely deficient. Main function of vitamin C, other then as vital antioxidant, is to help build collagen, a flexible protein glue to hold together and protect bones, skin, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and digestive organs. ref
Watch out for antioxidant vitamins. article
4. Seniors who took antioxidant vitamins had colds that lasted longer compared to those not taking any vitamins. The rational here is that immune cells in the body generate a free radical to kill the cold virus. The extra antioxidant vitamins in the supplements disarmed these free radicals before they had a chance to begin killing the cold causing viruses. This is more for antioxidant formulas rather than just taking vitamin C by itself. Vitamin C with zinc appears to be effective against some virus caused illnesses.
5. Both a deficiency and an excess of Vitamin B6 can damage nerve cells, while within proper amounts, vitamin B6 will support positive nerve actions.
6. C. As larger doses of calcium are consumed at one time, body mechanisms cause a progressively lower percent absorption. At 250 mg absorption might be 30% while at 500 mg of calcium, this percent could fall to just 15%. Again, this depends upon body needs at that moment. But, there is a point that while the active calcium absorption is turning off, the passive absorption will still be in play resulting in too much calcium absorbed. This causes another mechanism to kick in that speeds up calcium elimination out of the body. It is the level of calcium in the blood that dictates the calcium absorption percent from the digestive system ranging form 10 to 35%. Normal is about 30%.
7. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate. The liver can process about 600 mcg of the synthetic folic acid into the natural folate form over a day. About 250 mcg at one time. Over this amount, unmetabolized synthetic folic acid spills into the blood stream where it has been shown to suppress immune functions. This result needs more research for significance to health.
Cancers are linked to folic acid at both low and excessive amounts. It probably prevents cellular DNA mutations so that cancers do not develop. But after a cancer is present, the cancer cells hijack folates and use them to grow the tumor faster.
8. NO, vitamin K2 has some extra functions that vitamin K1 form does not touch. All the K forms participate in the coagulation of blood. While some vitamin K1 could convert in the body into the vitamin K2 form, it is not known how much. Best to get K2 form from diet. Fermented foods, cheeses, and some meats. The extra functions include activation of the vitamin D produced protein, osteocalcin, to bind minerals into bone, plus activation of Matrix GLA proteins in arteries to stop calcification of artery walls. Osteocalcin also helps regulate blood sugars plus K2 has various cancer prevention functions.
9. Vitamin E, according to the US Government, only includes one form, alpha tocopherol. But there are 8 related family forms found in nature. When the other 3 tocopherol forms (gamma, beta, delta) are added with alpha tocopherol, vitamin E is more effective than just alpha tocopherol alone. Add the 4 tocotrienols, and new functions emerge like lowering cholesterol rather than just protecting it, and nerve cell protections and functions are superior.
Here are the functions when the other 7 vitamin E family elements are present that alpha tocopherol has only limited participation or completely misses: a. neutralize nitrogen radicals, c. lower cholesterol, f. activate immune cells during disease, g. inhibits cancer growth independent of antioxidant activity, h. fully protects nerve cells and dementia functions.
10. Scientists used to believe that synthetic vitamin E was about equal to 66% of the natural. But this was from a dog study. Now, a human fetal study revealed that it is only 50%. Twice as much synthetic vitamin E was needed to equal the fetal blood levels to those of the natural form when given to mothers. May not have been a fair study since the placenta may have very sensitive controls to block out unwanted elements it doesn't recognize.
11. B. is in the driver seat, the level of calcium in the blood. But C.D.E.F. all can slightly influence the absorption percent. Bone density does not influence.
12. Surprisingly, only in very rare situations. While sunshine builds vitamin D by activating cholesterol in small blood vessels under the skin, the sun also triggers a failsafe mechanism to limit how much of the activated cholesterol gets turned into the storage form of vitamin D by the liver. Tanning is another way the body limits sunshine vitamin D build up levels. Supplements bypass this sunshine protective limiting factor and continue to increase levels up to the dosage consumed set point. For every 100 mcg of vitamin D consumed, vitamin D blood levels increase by about 1 ng/mL. Since most people are measuring about 15-20, taking 1500 IUs should increase vitamin D levels by about 15 points which should end up at 30-35 ng/mL, a safe level. Taking 5000 IUs could increase by 50 points and put one in jeopardy of starting to exhibit adverse effects, over 40 ng/mL. There is another measurement that might be used which is 2.5X higher than the ng/mL. It's unit is listed as nmol/L. (nanograms per milliLiter or nanomoles per Liter)
13. NO. And definitely better not to take every day, especially the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K. These vitamins can be stored in fat for future use. The water soluble B complex vitamins are not completely eliminated out of the body every day like vitamin C. Some B complex vitamins might remain in the body for up to 11 days. Vitamin B12 even for many months.
Remember, supplements are not your only source of vitamins. Food should provide most of your daily vitamins. One of the aspects about vitamins that most likely contributes to some negative effects is due to the fact that supplements concentrate vitamins. This is very unnatural for body processes. Smaller dosages are preferred. The percentage absorption of B1 at 2.5 mg is about 35% while at 20 mg it is only about 5%. That means they are about equal.
14. While B vitamins are water soluble and get flushed out of the body fairly rapid, they are not all safe to take in any amount. Vitamins B6 and folic acid have both low and excess adverse effects. Plus, rather new, vitamin B12 adverse actions are growing as well.
Vitamin QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS concerning supplement choices: Unfortunately, some generalities have to be used as individual dietary patterns and genetics make it difficult to summarize. Use answers as a starting point for further discovery, not as an endpoint.
- Do Vitamins support immune system healing?
- What is a Vitamin?
- Why No Iron?
- Does Vitamin C prevent Colds?
- Are water soluble B vitamins safe to consume in higher than RDI amounts?
- What questions does Vitamin B12 present?
- Can FSV, for Fat Soluble Vitamins A, D, E & K be safely consumed daily? ** Best FSV info.
- Do People vary in their requirements for vitamins?
- Are the Recommended Daily Intakes (RDI) for vitamins adequate for health?
- How are the RDI's determined?
- Does this variation make the Scientific method of study valid for Public vitamin determinations?
**To prevent loss of vital website linked info, copy is included here from the Best FSV info below that explains FSV interactions on each other. Very interesting associations that deserve more attention from Dietitians, Nutritionists, and vitamin product formulators.
"Fat-Soluble Vitamin Interaction
The interaction of vitamin A and vitamin D functions has been observed in animals and humans.76,77 Studies in rats demonstrated that a high intake of vitamin A attenuated the toxicity of hypervitaminosis D.76 In another study conducted in humans and based on a nested case-control model, the blood level of 25-OHD3 was inversely associated with colorectal cancer among individuals who had lower retinol intake.78 Vitamin D deficiency (<50 nmol/L) and a high level of retinol (>2.8 μmol/L) have also been associated with a high risk of osteoporotic fractures.79
There is evidence that supplementation of one FSV has an impact on other FSV levels in blood. Vitamin D3 supplementation (800 IU/D for 6 months) alone or with calcium (2 g/d for 6 months) increased 25-OHD3 levels by 48% and decreased α-tocopherol (vitamin E) by 14%. Serum 25-OHD2 levels decreased by 48% with vitamin D3 supplementation but this was indicated as being statistically insignificant. Vitamin D3 supplementation, however, had no significant effects on retinol levels among 85 study subjects.80
FSVs are absorbed in the small intestine through different, but inter-related, mechanisms.81 Based on experiments made in an in vitro cell line culture (Caco-2 TC7, a cell line derived from colon carcinoma but resembling the enterocytes that line the small intestine), Goncalves and colleagues found that vitamin E significantly improved the absorbance of vitamin A but also significantly decreased the absorbance of vitamin D. In contrast, both vitamins A and D were shown to have negative effects on the absorbance of vitamin E. Furthermore, it was reported that vitamin A reduced both vitamin D and E uptake significantly.81 The group hypothesized that when there is concomitant consumption of vitamin A and E, the antioxidant properties of vitamin E helped to prevent vitamin A oxidation and therefore serve to enhance vitamin A absorption; this is at the expense of vitamin E absorption.81
Whilst vitamins A and E have been routinely measured together, it is actually the interaction of vitamins A and D at the molecular level that is currently generating research interest related to their regulatory roles in gene expression. 1,25-(OH)2-D3 forms a complex with the vitamin D receptor (VDR) which then can form a heterodimer with the retinoid X receptor (RXR), this then triggers gene expression. Retinoic acid, and endocrine receptors such as thyroid hormone receptors, can also form a heterodimer with RXR which in turn regulates gene expression. Given the common link of heterodimer formation involving RXR and high doses of vitamin A, it is postulated to attenuate heterodimer formation of VDR and RXR. This hypothesis is supported by an in vitro study, where the heteromeric interaction of VDR and RXR was influenced by the presence of 1,25-(OH)2-D3 and inhibited by high concentrations of 9-cis retinoic acid.82" -end of copy
Consuming a variety of foods usually balances out these fat soluble vitamin interactions, BUT when taking concentrated supplements, these considerations may require cooperation. Unfortunately, supplement manufacturers do not always consider these interactions when formulating multiple vitamin products. This is partly why over 95% fail the new vitamin criteria basic standards.
The body does not need to ingest 100% of each nutrient every day. Some days more, some less.